WH Releases Partial Visitors List

She's a democratic socialist and a feminist.

I guess that she also ran for President on the "Democratic Socialist Party" ticket in 1980?



Angela Davis

By Jone Johnson Lewis, About.com

Dates: January 26, 1944 -

Occupation: activist, educator, philosopher

Also known as: Angela Yvonne Davis
Angela Davis Biography:

Angela Davis, radical black activist and philosopher, was arrested as a suspected conspirator in the abortive attempt to free George Jackson from a courtroom in Marin County, California, August 7, 1970. The guns used were registered in her name. Angela Davis was eventually acquitted of all charges, but was briefly on the FBI's most-wanted list as she fled from arrest.

Angela Davis is often associated with the Black Panthers and with the black power politics of the late 1960s and early 1970s. She joined the Communist Party when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. She was active with SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) before the Black Panthers. Angela Davis ran for U.S. Vice President on the Communist Party ticket in 1980.

Angela Davis has been an activist and writer promoting women's rights and racial justice while pursuing her career as a philosopher and teacher at the University of Santa Cruz and San Francisco University -- she achieved tenure at the University of California at Santa Cruz though former governer Ronald Reagan swore she would never teach again in the University of California system. She studied with political philosopher Herbert Marcuse. She has published on race, class, and gender.
Democracy = Mob Rule over the few

Socialism = The Mob Pays for the few

Learn it, know it, love it.

Try HERE for the definition of Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialism is difficult to define, and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term.

ie: There isn't one.
Democracy = Mob Rule over the few

Socialism = The Mob Pays for the few

Learn it, know it, love it.

Try HERE for the definition of Democratic Socialist.

ie: There isn't one.

yeah, um, golly jim, wouldn't want to have to think about this too much... i'd really just like a convenient label... like


joseph schumpeter? i don't want to think about all that. i just want to point at bad guys. don't make me make fine-grained distinctions. i've been bred not to be able to do so.

i've got my jesus. and there's the commies over there. bad, bad commies. yes, dad, i've got the rubber pants on.

Marcuse and Marx

Marcuse’s beliefs of capitalism can be rooted in one of Karl Marx’s main concepts: Objectification. Marx believed that capitalism was exploiting humans; that what the labor workers were doing ultimately dehumanized them as functional objects. Marcuse took this belief and expanded it. He believed that capitalism and industrialization pushed laborers so hard, that they began to see themselves as the objects they were producing. In One Dimensional Man he states, “The people recognize themselves in their commodities; they find their soul in their automobile,”[2] meaning that capitalism degrades humans to the commodities that they create, giving the commodity more importance than the being itself.

I actually can't disagree with his concept of the person becoming the commodity. I know many people who are enamored of their possessions to the point that the possessions define them. They name their things such as their automobile.

I name things as humor but not as real names. I call my tree loppers "Cindy" (Lauper) and my sledge hammer "Percy" (Sledge), etc.
yeah, um, golly jim, wouldn't want to have to think about this too much... i'd really just like a convenient label... like


joseph schumpeter? i don't want to think about all that. i just want to point at bad guys. don't make me make fine-grained distinctions. i've been bred not to be able to do so.

i've got my jesus. and there's the commies over there. bad, bad commies. yes, dad, i've got the rubber pants on.

Let's look at the good side of Communism shall we?

65 million dead in the 20th century. Superior Court Judge Harold Haley makes it 65 million +1.

They build walls to keep people in.

They kill those who try to leave.

The few have everything, the many have nothing.

Yep, a real bunch of warm fuzzy guys. Wouldn't want to say anything bad about such a wonderful bunch, would we?

I actually can't disagree with his concept of the person becoming the commodity. I know many people who are enamored of their possessions to the point that the possessions define them. They name their things such as their automobile.

I name things as humor but not as real names. I call my tree loppers "Cindy" (Lauper) and my sledge hammer "Percy" (Sledge), etc.

...which in some ways directly contradicts certain other ideas that karl had in ways that sorta poke fun at themselves, but i digress.
Let's look at the good side of Communism shall we?

65 million dead in the 20th century. Superior Court Judge Harold Haley makes it 65 million +1.

They build walls to keep people in.

They kill those who try to leave.

The few have everything, the many have nothing.

Yep, a real bunch of warm fuzzy guys. Wouldn't want to say anything bad about such a wonderful bunch, would we?

wow. and that was communism itself that did all that, just like the pope killed six million jews cuz hitler was catholic.
wow. and that was communism itself that did all that, just like the pope killed six million jews cuz hitler was catholic.

Communism as a theory on paper is a perfect system until you introduce people into the mix. Then it falls apart like wet tissue.
i have friends and colleagues with diverse political leanings. we chat about such things.

ideological inbreeding and bandwagon politics don't really seem so healthy to me.

Granted. It's good to hear several sides.

When will Obama start listening to anyone but radical communists?