What´s with you UK people?

This is me...


Picture 005_.jpg, 35.67kb

Picture 005_.jpg
And this is me with the Chink turned up to "Woooaaaaaaaahhhhhh, I kill you five times before you hit ground!". :headbang:


22.JPG, 46.08kb

so, Cleveland ... are you from Cleveland? Just wondering ... and if you build her a castle, then I get to live with her cause we share a duplex .. WOOHOO!!!! New CASTLE!!!!!!

MuFu - can't say it enough man .. you are HELLACOOL!!!! *would love to watch Iron Monkey with you in the same theatre* hehehehe
UK people & MuFu you guys are too funny LOL

Hey MuFu, you look like you got lipstick on in that first picture... Or are your lips normally that luscious-looking? ;)
Originally posted by greenfreak
Hey MuFu, you look like you got lipstick on in that first picture... Or are your lips normally that luscious-looking? ;)

I use a special girlie balm that Bink recommended to me.

I'm Dutch, but everybody outside Europe we Dutch people have a German accent...or they think we speak German...It doesn't sound very the same to me.

But on the other hand, what do I know? :D

Oh, and when I speak English, I have a terrible Texan accent; lived in Houston for over a year. That helped :D