What a moron!

Not insensitive. Materialistic. Social status conscious. Callous. Ruthless.

Hangin's too good for her. Tie her sorry ass down somewhere and let people run over her in SUVs.
Now see if she'd had a pistol she could have gotten out and finished the job and maybe the 3rd guy wouldn't have gotten away unscathed!
It's not her fault. It was (pick two)

post traumatic stress disorder
Audi style sticky accelerator
medication conflict
twinkie defense
temporary insanity
full blown insanity
gay assault overreaction defense
fetal alcohol syndrome
bad childhood
just got bad news
was liberal and heard Howard Stern on the radio and 'reroute to temp insanity'
brake failure
geriatric panic fart disorder
Abso-fricken-lutley guaranteed she'll get off on 'one of the above'!

There must be more to this or she really is nuts and will get off with a lil’ slappy on the wrist.

I guess she should do 15 to life for being insane.
unclehobart said:
It's not her fault. It was (pick two)

post traumatic stress disorder
Audi style sticky accelerator
medication conflict
twinkie defense
temporary insanity
full blown insanity
gay assault overreaction defense
fetal alcohol syndrome
bad childhood
just got bad news
was liberal and heard Howard Stern on the radio and 'reroute to temp insanity'
brake failure
geriatric panic fart disorder

SouthernN'Proud said:
Not insensitive. Materialistic. Social status conscious. Callous. Ruthless.

Hangin's too good for her. Tie her sorry ass down somewhere and let people run over her in SUVs.
[size=-1]She's nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, backstabbing, larcenous, perverted worm! Hanging's too good for her! Burning's too good for her! She should be town into little itsy bitsy pieces and buried alive! :D[/size]
Inkara1 said:
[size=-1]She's nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, backstabbing, larcenous, perverted worm! Hanging's too good for her! Burning's too good for her! She should be town into little itsy bitsy pieces and buried alive! :D[/size]
LOL. That makes me want to revive the movie quote thread.
Tie her sorry ass down somewhere and let people run over her in SUVs.

That's called "balancing," and there used to be quite a little support for laws of that nature at one time. I'm not entirely against it, but I think the punishment should be worse than the crime. Of course, in the PC "United States of the Offended" country we live in today, actual "punishment" has gone the way of the dodo.
A golfball???

That's sort of like walking through a mall carrying a crowbar. Maybe it's totally innocent, but it's still unusual behavior.
Professur said:
I do wonder why 3 teenagers were playing with a golfball in a parking lot.

Golfball or not, running them down because your vehicle was hit by the thing is completely unacceptable behavior, especially after the fact they apologized for it.
Professur said:
A golfball???

I used to do that...:shrug:

Professur said:
That's sort of like walking through a mall carrying a crowbar. Maybe it's totally innocent, but it's still unusual behavior.

Perhaps they were on their way to the golf course. Maybe they found the ball, and just decided to bounce it. Possibly they were just trying to see how high it would bounce. :shrug: Bottom line is, they accidentally hit the woman's car, checked it over, with the lady present, and found no damage. She then drove up a bit, U-turned, and ran their happy asses over. Maybe words were exchanged, but does that justify the attack?
PostCode said:
Golfball or not, running them down because your vehicle was hit by the thing is completely unacceptable behavior, especially after the fact they apologized for it.

I never suggested it was. FTR this made international news. I heard it on the radio on the way home from work last night. And perhaps, Gato, bouncing a golfball around cars is common where you live, but up here it's definitely odd behavior.
Professur said:
And perhaps, Gato, bouncing a golfball around cars is common where you live, but up here it's definitely odd behavior.

Bouncing a golf ball isn't common. It's not classified as odd behavior, either. I think we're getting hung up on semantics...
No. I just think it's curious behavior for teens. 8 year olds I could see doing that. Teens I can't.