What Age?


New Member
What age would you say you had the best time of your life? Or is it happening right now?

For me, I would have to say 25-27
around the time i graduated high school. i was 17... just last year.
and running the newspaper route with josh.
for some reason, i think that running the newspaper route with my boyfriend at the time from 2 to 7 many mornings sums up a lot of good. just, driving, daylight just creeping into the sky, blasting music... sometimes metal, sometimes country...
i get really nostalgic for those times.
i kinda see it in waves... 8-11 was pretty cool... just being a kid with no worries... the high school years were fun too when i first started jammin a lot... i lived with my first long-time girlfriend from 18-23, which was some of the greatest times of my life, excluding the last six months ;)

then a year or two of drunken relationship withdrawal... probably the worst time of my life... after that, my late-20s were real fun... mostly single and lots of jammin' and travel... settled down at 29, which was good for my health and sanity, if not for excitement

i think i'm only just starting to get comfortable with the settled-down thing in the last year or so... the "best times" are a bit more spread out, but they still pop up a few times a year
Stop Laughing said:
I hope I haven't had it yet, or else I'm gonna lead a sad and pathetic life...
this was my initial thought as well :headbang:
but i've had a buncha ups and downs in life (presently an up :circle: ) that i am holding out hope that there are brighter times ahead,
err....why isn't all of life mentioned?

Everyone seems to mention a time frame like having fun or making pleasent memories requires a certain time frame in one's life.

I was told by a brilliant man once, and this seems to be an unpopular outtake on one's misery, but he told me:

"The sole reason anyone is miserable is ultimetly because of themselves.......if all you do is complain about the misery in life than you fail to realize that you get some sort of a twisted satisfaction from keeping yourself at bay and only imagining better things. You "wait" for fun to come, you "wait" for the time to come, you prepare yourself all your lives when you don't realize the "right time" is now. There is no coming time because all you do is exist in the present....this is the time people.....future is only a concept we make to comfort ourselves, so we don't have to tackle the problem "now".

.....so if you're still miserable and waiting for better things to come then you will die waiting or eventually realize untill it is too late."

Very few people and instances are an exception to the above mentioned advice. VERY FEW.
It took me 23 years to realize that ^^

Have lived very happy ever since, hence the best time I posted ;)
IDLEchild said:
err....why isn't all of life mentioned?

.....so if you're still miserable and waiting for better things to come then you will die waiting or eventually realize untill it is too late."

Very few people and instances are an exception to the above mentioned advice. VERY FEW.

i agree... i think i had an epiphany after my stint of self-imposed depression... so i put on a clean pair of pants and said 'fuck that'

drink and be merry!! :toast:

but it's still fun to bitch every once and a while ;)
IDLEchild said:
err....why isn't all of life mentioned?
.....so if you're still miserable and waiting for better things to come then you will die waiting or eventually realize untill it is too late."[/i]

I'm not miserable in life right now-just think 25-27 was a time when i knew it to be a very happy time in life for me. I like to remember it and think about it alot.
Let's see...20 to 27 was pretty good...then I got married. After that, 35 to now is looking quite nice...
I'm happy now...then again, I've got my munchkin to keep me smiling no matter how crappy the rest of my day's been. 2 1/2 years old today! :D