What animal would you want to be?


If you could shapeshift into any kind of animal at will, and gain that animal's special abilities, what animal would you want to be? For example, if you choose a fish you can breathe under water, or if you choose a cameleon you can change colors.

Personally, I'd be an eagle. :)
Cougar. Lay around in the sun, hunt down animals, feed, have sex, lay around in the sun.
I'd be a cat. :hairbng2:

I've always been curious about cats. They always seem so peaceful and rarely ever look sad or get sick (if they're fed and treated right). They have reflexes and balance much greater than that of a human's, have 9 lives, are loving (most of the time), and have a certain intriguing curiosity of their own that can get one of their 9 lives lost (sometimes if they're not quick to learn, 2 or 3 :D)

I'm with LL. Some type of bird, cos I'd want the ability to fly.

Probably a Peregrine Falcon. They're the fastest :headbang:
either a cat or dog or spider. those are my fave animals. i cant decide although id rather be a cat or dog as theyre more loveable.