What are the qualities of a friend


Window Licker
I have a few... YIKE's, you all say.

Is a friend someone that says they are your friend, or are their actions more determinate.

Is friendship easily offered and yet poorly substantiated these days?

Is an internet friend a true friend?
Friends tell it like it is, even if it's not what you want to hear. They also know when to abandon that and just tell you what you want to hear. :D
Friends help you do the right thing. Friends don't abandon you unless ALL hope is lost. Friendship has to be more than words-words are spoken, actions write volumes.

Beginning friendships must be easily offered, yet time tells who's a friend & who's an aquaintance or who's trouble. Internet friends can become friends, to a point. Like all long distance relationships it's tough. As soon as you close the browser they're gone. If they live next door you can't excape so easily. If they are on another continent there really isn't much interpersonal reaction, so it's limited. Could you continue a marriage when you've never, or seldomly, met your spouse & live 8000 miles apart?
Let me address the Internet friendship part first. It is true that you will most likely never meet the people you make friends with on the web. Distance factors make it improbable.

However, you can get to know someone by the words they say on the web. It's no different than speaking with someone on the telephone, except that you can't hear their voice. Being that you can't hear the tone of their voice or see the expression on their face when they are communicating, it is difficult sometimes to derive the true meaning of what they are saying. That is where people who can type and articulate through their keyboard have an advantage in being able to express themselves more easily than someone who can't.

I believe it is possible to have friends on the web the same as in real life, but you only get to know them by what they choose to let you see of them through their words.

There are many different things that determine if someone is really you friend or not. A true friend will be willing to understand and be your friend even when things are not going well for the person. There is something about going through thick and thin with a pal that makes the friendship stronger or weaker. A real friend doesn't necessarily agree with you 100% of the time but allows you to be yourself even if they don't agree depending on the circumstances.

It is way too complicated for this thread to define all the aspects of what makes up a friendship. You may think that an Internet friendship cannot be a real friendship, but I have had friendships in real life that went sour and found out that person was a phoney that never was my friend. I actually like some of the people I have met on the web better than some of the people that I know in real life. It is actually easier to be friends with someone over the web than in real life because if you get tired of their shit all you have to do is turn off the computer and come back later. In some ways, that preserves the friendship because in real life it's not that simple.
Originally posted by outside looking in
Friends tell it like it is, even if it's not what you want to hear. They also know when to abandon that and just tell you what you want to hear. :D

And a real friend knows when to shut up and just listen. A skill I've yet to master.
You should be able to count your real friends on one hand. If there's more than five, your standards for who qualifies as a 'friend' is too low.

In the true sense of what a friend is, I don't consider everyone I know, hang out with, talk to on the phone, have lunch with a friend. They are acquaintances. I've had people in my life that I considered friends who turned out to be less than that but time is what taught me about that.
I used to bullshit people and tell them they were my friend even if I hated their guts. :D
Originally posted by Gonz
Could you continue a marriage when you've never, or seldomly, met your spouse & live 8000 miles apart?
That's the magic of friendship. You can't have a marriage without physical contact, but you don't need it to have friends. I consider people I meet online as friends in some way, in a degree that I would really miss them if I happen to never talk(type) with them again. I found that my virtual friends have the ability to humour me which is more than I can say of some of my real friends lately :(
Q, that comment had nothing to do with anyone on the web that I met.
hehe, I find it ironic that s4 is getting "no comment" as a response. ;) I wish I know what the number of posts were that were only those two words. :D
I don't use no comment much here. Allow me to elaborate. In the old days at HWC, I didn't much care for certain people that were mods or admins. I am not referring to krusty or TN. There were some people however that I didn't much like.

I got in the habit of using no comment after a certain admin started bitching about people using cuss words and saying anything bad about the site. It was my way of saying well fuck if I can't say what I want then I ain't going to say anything at all.

If will you notice that since I have gone to Xibase and JJR's, I don't use no comment very much. At this site, I don't remember worrying about whether someone liked what I said or not. We pretty much let people speak their minds and don't get too uptight if someone utters at naughty word here unless they really get carried away with personal attacks.
I was always amused by it. I never visited JJR or Xibase much, so I haven't read much of your non-HWC stuff.

You did speak your mind at HWC at times though... and I look forward to reading what comes out here. ;)
I've only been a member of Xi since January and have seen 'no comment', '-nc', 'n/c' and the like quite a few times.
Yeah, but I usually joking if I use it these days when I use it.
We're allowed to say whatever we want here...right??
Well, I felt like saying n/c. edit it if you must.