Hell no we actually might win this one. We are 2-1 up in the series and todays the final day of the 5th and final test. Only 98 overs left. England are in there second innings, Australia are still to bat theres and all we need is a draw. Which is looking the likely result. If you you want to see the score it starts in half an hour and the best (and surrealist) commentary is at www.guardian.co.uk
Lopan said:
Hell no we actually might win this one. We are 2-1 up in the series and todays the final day of the 5th and final test. Only 98 overs left. England are in there second innings, Australia are still to bat theres and all we need is a draw. Which is looking the likely result. If you you want to see the score it starts in half an hour and the best (and surrealist) commentary is at www.guardian.co.uk

Slartibartfast said:
they've garble warble fashes

Beh to you sir, We won and it was aces. Twas looking shakey at the start but Kevin Pietersen scored 158 and we ended up 354 all out. Only leaving the aussies 18 overs to get past our score(mathematically impossible) They played a symbolic 8 - 0 then took the bad light and that was that. :D
I'm thinking of my lovely bed, and how incapable I am of getting out of it unless I have work or school to go to.

paul_valaru said:
thinking about these lovely english muffins I am eating right now

that is NOT a euphamism.

Wouldn't have thought so anyway...Now if you'd've said 'Canadian Bacon'...:D
Contemplating whether I should order the kiddo home now or wait a little longer..

*listens to the silence*

Ok, I'll wait a wee bit longer.