Thinking about how cool it is to learn that a linux app i've used since forever has all kinds of extra functionality builtin that i never knew about.
gotta get my butt of this chair gotta get my butt of this chair gotta get my butt of this chair gotta get my butt of this chair

Thinking how pissed off i am that a girl threw my 5 yr. olds sneaker out the bus window...
BTW-i called the bus company and ratted her out and the their calling the school principal and Mrs. Hardgrove is a tuffy! HA! Also, buying him a new pair and sending in the receipt for the mom to reimburse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :alienhuh:
Mare said:
Thinking how pissed off i am that a girl threw my 5 yr. olds sneaker out the bus window...
BTW-i called the bus company and ratted her out and the their calling the school principal and Mrs. Hardgrove is a tuffy! HA! Also, buying him a new pair and sending in the receipt for the mom to reimburse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :alienhuh:

Update on what I was thinking:
Principal called my work and today the little girls mother is sending the money in for the sneaks I had to buy! :D
how many kids are we gonna have signing up for dancing this year? I can't believe a new season of teaching is beginning already