"Do I wanna record my voice for that thread..?"
"Naw... too lazy.. who cares anyways?"
"Hmm... I'm thirsty..."
I'm thinking I could stay in bed tomorrow rather than get up and drive to work in the ice and cold.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm thinking 5 1/2 hours is WAY too long to be sitting in a dentist's chair.... regardless of how good looking he is :mad:

I'm thinking POOR Ms Ann sitting there for 5 1/2 hours with her mouth wide open OOUUCCHH!!!!!!!

:brush: I can only handle an 1/2 hour - WELL, maybe an hour if the dentist wasn't married-hehe :lloyd:
Wish I would have won the lottery on friday. Maybe i'll have better luck this week. 30 million.............oh the things I can do with that kind of money
Thinking OUCH!!!! Natalie! I hate the dentist......and the gynea.....and any other doctor who wants to poke & prode & fiddle with any part of me that can open.
Thanks, AT. :hug: I'm now thinking that the pain of 5 1/2 hours in a dentist's chair with 2 hours of drilling, and the current pain in my jaw will be nothing compared to the bill I'm going to be receiving... :crying5:
I need to go to the dentist pretty soon....but he knows me - if he hurts me I bite him :D (and I scream like a hooligan too.......LOL, I'm 25 & my mom still has to hold my hand if anyone brings a needle near me - if it happens to be the dentist they just about have to restrain me!)

Hope you feel better soon babe :hug:
I'm thinking about why, oh why i accepted that snuff from my friend. I should have remembered that nicotine gives me a horrible 'hangover' after a couple hours.
tonks said:
i'm thinking that i am so happy that my 2 new pairs of jeans are JUNIOR size 12's that i could squeal!

I'm thinking that I'm jealous - and quite turned on! :winkkiss:
I'm thinkin' that it's time I got off my butt and found a partner.........masturbation is gettin' borin'