harasho!.... if we could get some Cyrillic characters here we could discuss the finer points of Ukrainian vs Russian vodka! :winkkiss:
I think Russian would probably win the popular vote - it's better known after all.

But please - no Polish vodka :sick:
AlphaTroll said:
I think Russian would probably win the popular vote - it's better known after all.

But please - no Polish vodka :sick:

:eek13: as long as you don't confuse what's "popular" with what's "best" my darling! (gotta support that Ukrainian mafia, y'know?)

and actually, I've had some Polish vodka that was OK.... but the best I ever had was home-brewed in a remote village in the Carpathian mountains.... drifts off into fond memories
Sheesh, I'm extremely jealous of your fond memories right about now gorgeous!

Hmmm - got some fond memories of wine tasting in the Cape Winelands though - does that count?
course it does, hun! my fave wine memory is walking through a cellar lined with wine barrels while the owner of the vineyard and his winemaker used something called a "wine thief" to withdraw samples for us to taste...:love3:. (in Cali, btw)

tell me your story now....
Well, the Cape Winelands are of course the area where we produce the best wines in the country (and some of the best in the world). And if you go on a tour of the Cape you definitely have to include the Wineroute - you get to go to a lot of different vinyards and taste all the best wines - from the most delicious, soft, reds to the more playful whites and you get to buy the wines at reduced prices too.

My favourite was at the KWV cellars - tasted some excellent export wines (that you couldn't even buy in SA at that stage - they were for export only) - funny enough the Port (or rather dessert wine after the whole name row with Portugal) was among my favourites - really smooth drinking. Had some cheese and crackers of course (well, no wine tasting is complete without it).

LOL - I did cheat on the tasting though - instead of spitting I swallowed half of the wines I tasted - was rather tipsy by the end of the day :D

Ooh - a piccy or two (just so you get an idea of the beautiful surroundings you find yourself in when tasting these wonderful wines)


Oh it is! And of course if you add the Garden Route you'll have quite a whale of a time.....some piccies of the garden route:



Can't believe I'll be leaving it all behind :(

LOL - mebbe we should do a tour together?
Yeah, most definitely is the kind of place where one can just sit back and relax.

But my favourite place (or one of them) is in the Karoo desert...at sunset, when you close your eyes and just hear the world around you slowing down and become still.
Yep - that's it. If you get a spot near a watering hole you see all the animals come for a drink at night - really beautiful.

And then go to Upington for Ostrich racing - always a good laugh :D
Ostrich racing? They take passengers? :eek:

gotta tell ya, I've bookmarked ecoafrica.com....looks like my fantasies are now gonna take place in the Southern Hemisphere ;)
Oz said:
I'm thinkin' of moving to South Africa :D

Trolley....still wanna house swap?

Erm - I'm now thinking, let's get a little place down there....ye can make the wine & Nat & I can sit on the stoep getting stoned all day long :D
AlphaTroll said:
Erm - I'm now thinking, let's get a little place down there....ye can make the wine & Nat & I can sit on the stoep getting stoned all day long :D

and murmer soft words of encouragement and well-meant advice to you :D
AlphaTroll said:
Erm - I'm now thinking, let's get a little place down there....ye can make the wine & Nat & I can sit on the stoep getting stoned all day long :D

You expect me to make wine in a vineyard and come out this side of the millenium? :lol2:

Nat.......make sure yer pack plenty of smoke, Oz may be gone for some time :drink:
Apparently 115 does not naturally occur on earth. But because of it's high proton count can be forced into existence for brief periods of time. So that's why I was wondering whether or not it truly does exist.

It exist but for 1/1000 of a second.


In quantum mechanics if it can be observed, no matter how short, it exists therefore all those extra atoms exist...even though they serve no purpose due to their highly unstable nature and exist only for so little time.

Go particle accelarators
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Ostrich racing? They take passengers? :eek:

gotta tell ya, I've bookmarked ecoafrica.com....looks like my fantasies are now gonna take place in the Southern Hemisphere ;)

:D Yeah, they're actuall rather strong - the 'jockies' ride them by sitting on their backs and holding on to their wings :D

You laugh your arse off when they let the foreigners try - never seen so many Germans bite the dust :D


(ooh lovely that yer fantasies will be 'round here - scream if ye want some more suggestions of places to go....like if you want to be a bit adventurous, I'd suggest trekking North to Mpumalanga - best for adventure holidays, like kloofing etc)