freako104 said:
I am thinking somefuckwad hacked my email and Id like to knwo who it is

I'm thinking "It wasn't me!"....

I'm also thinking that it isn't lunchtime yet????
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm thinking spring is nearly here and summer's on its way, and I'm horribly depressed at the thought. :crying4:

I'm thinking: HUUUUUGGGGGS on Ms Ann Thrope!!!! :sadhug:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm thinking spring is nearly here and summer's on its way, and I'm horribly depressed at the thought. :crying4:

Me an' all. I don't mind the warm weather......but us brits ain't used to direct sunlight :erm:

Thinkin': This barbecue chicken is damn good!
SexyBoo said:
I think that I don't feel like going to Walmart with the weather being so darn cold and wet!

but boo your a hottie. what you got to worry about :winkkiss:

yay it snowed here
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm thinking spring is nearly here and summer's on its way, and I'm horribly depressed at the thought. :crying4:
The only thing that would make me more happy at the thought of spring coming around would be me owning a convertable. Still, I say bring it on. :D
SexyBoo said:
Maybe one day - until then, I hide my identity to protect the guilty! ;)

Well yer could at least give us a lil' peek.......then we might have something to feel guilty about ;)

Thinkin': :nuts:
How about another peak of my back? That is all I can offer right now... Maybe I'll give a peak of the front later! :winkkiss:
SexyBoo said:
How about another peak of my back? That is all I can offer right now... Maybe I'll give a peak of the front later! :winkkiss:

That'll do :blush: I didn't think yer'd show us yer curly bits!

*heads off to confessional*
