I am thinking

I wonder if Paul remembered he left 60,000 in my car as a gift to me

oh and Onimusha 3 and Halo 2 will be coming out!! yay!!
I'm wondering where I've put me hair bleach.........I only bought it a week ago, it can't be too far away.
I am thinking what have I gotten myself into. Guitar lessons are too expensive, I am getting no help from anyone, books only seem to confuse me more and I am total dunce when it comes to finger positioning.

It use to be fun playing the guitar but now it is getting to be a pain....it gets harder by the minute and doesn't stop.
are you not enjoying the guitar?

I am thinking i had a pretty good week this week. and Love Actually is a good movie
freako104 said:
are you not enjoying the guitar?

Most definetly not but that annoyance is only an additional driving force to learn the instrument. Either way I am not giving up.
I enjoyed it back when I played it for class in HS. id say do it for fun. get some basic books and learn that way. and youll learn the songs you want to. best of luck.

I am thinking spyware sucks monkey balls and needs to be destroyed. oh and having dogbert for a cursor kicks ass
it is such a nice day maybe later ill go for a swim in the pool, yay spring is on the way! and girls wear less in warm weather :p
freako104 said:
I am thinking i had a pretty good week this week. and Love Actually is a good movie

I totally agree - it was an excellent movie. I will definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD! :grinyes:
thinking tacos are really good....but being paged because a server went down while eating tacos is not so good.......decisions decisions....to stay and eat or not.....hmmm.....
I'm thinkin' that the new neighbour (well, 3 doors away) is gonna be trouble........last time I saw him I threatened to break his neck....wonder if he's still thinkin' about me threat :eh:

I'm also wonderin' if our lil' boo has managed to shrug off the blues? :(
freako104 said:
hope the neighbour wont be an asshole OZ

Thanks freako. It's not meself I'm worried about.......but the guy has a reputation for liking the women....young women about 15-18 yrs old :eh: He's gotten a score (or more) teenagers pregnant....and then dropped them as if they were a bag of shite (he's in his late 40's)

Gonna have to keep a close eye on the bugger now he's on me street.