Oz said:
I'm thinking that it is cool to remain friends with an ex :)

It isn't half as much fun :(

Although it is a lot less stressfull :retard2:

But, overall, 'tis cool :cool:

I'm also thinkin' that I'm so bored, that I'm fucking about with emoticons........I need a hobby

it is in a way tho it can also be awkward(my ex considered me one of her best friends after we broke up) and that was really awkward in a way.
Right now trying to think of what I said when I first replied to this thread way back when, which I think was:

"Trying to think of something to say that I'm thinking of..."

I have a very boring life :p
I'm thinking that I really don't want to go to my the division meeting that my boss should be at. :mad:
Im thinking I wanna slap my boss right now....13% service level my ARSE...you try answering 10 calls an hour with an hourly average of 12 incoming calls
I'm thinking my room is quite Japanese right now... On the floor lays a carpet with Kana on it, my bedsheets are decorated with the 'ki' sign, i just came back from Aikido practice, i'm wearing my Gi(training suit, which happens to be damn comfortable), a bokken(wooden training sword) is resting against the wall, my current desktop is from the anime 'neon Genesis Evangelion', i just finished watching 'Ringu'(aka 'The Ring'), i'm listening to Ayumi Hamasaki, several diplomas from martial arts practice are hanging on my walls, and a 400-page book on Kanji is laying on my desk.

Maybe i'm overdoing it? :retard:
SexyBoo said:
Damn I'm jealous! :winkkiss:

you just wanna be me :p

Im thinking I might get the bass tabs for No-one Knows by Queens Of The Stone Age as it rocks and I dont know it yet.
I think I need to find out when The Rasmus' album comes out because In The Shadows is currently my song of the year.