It's a lovely day :)

Sun's shining.....birds are singing....flowers are in bloom :swing:

And I had a good coupla hours horizontal jogging this afternoon :)

My baby is in pain.... I had to reinstall everything... Poor darling. Dry your tears, everything will be fine, honey... *pats computer*
Kawaii said:
My baby is in pain.... I had to reinstall everything... Poor darling. Dry your tears, everything will be fine, honey... *pats computer*

Aawww - poor Kawaii's 'puter :(

I'm thinking that I really wish I didn't have to go to Walmart after work... :(
I'm thinking I can't believe I worked on campus until nearly 3am tonight. Thats what....*counts on fingers* 16 hours? I'm sure I just violated a law somewhere in the world...

so I'm thinking about my pillow....
i'm thinking that i really like the new harbor tunnel. makes getting into and out of the airport soooo much easier.
We're taking heavy damage, captain! Shields are down! Reactor power dropping! We have to get those shields online, Scotty!
We've got incoming! DUCK AND COVER!
(trying to get some sort of anti-virus defense working, it's a battlezone out here)
I'm thinkin' that having a headache....without the wonderfully depressive benefits of a hangover........is a reeeaal shitter :mad:
Oz said:
I'm thinkin' that having a headache....without the wonderfully depressive benefits of a hangover........is a reeeaal shitter :mad:

Just nip down to the nearest pub, and start slamming pints. Your headache may not go away, but you sure as hell won't care... :D
Gato_Solo said:
Just nip down to the nearest pub, and start slamming pints. Your headache may not go away, but you sure as hell won't care... :D

Dude, ya have no idea how tempting that is :D
Gato_Solo said:
Thinking somebody should've never let their guard down...
Yeah, i should've burned an install file for some virus prog before i formatted, shouldn't i? A bit late for that.

On a nice sidenote: I'm going fucking crazy! I'm gonna throw this piece of SHIT excuse for an OS out the window! THAT'S FUCKING IT! I'm going LINUX!

Ahem. :swing:
Well.....I am thinking that since it started to rain horribly this morning around 2:30 and flooded the whole entire apartment complex parking lot, what in the hell am i going to do all day....my boyfriend is at work and wont be home till about 7 tonight which is for another 7 hours or so....and I am going to be totally bored. WHo knows when the water in the parking lot will go away, but until then I will be here....bored! ENuff said..
I'm thinkin' that my colour seems to have changed from it's natural pale blue to a pale pink ........... musta caught some sun :)