-Liquid Grounds and their badass coffee
-Propel drinking water
-Midgets dancing
-What to do
-Senses Fail and the cd I left at work
-I'm hungry
-Becto saying, "Pretty much so *chuckle*"

LOOK! CANCER!!!!! ->:la:
where the fuck is my seam ripper and how badly i am in need of a sewing box to keep said seam ripper and all the other little bitty sewing accoutrements :eh:

and also, why would any business insure coffee when sent in the mail? i mean, don't you think it would just be cheaper to replace the coffee that does go missing than to insure every package? honestly, the mark up on coffe is astronomical...it is just a berry for christ sake.
Camelyn said:
Thinking where do you live, want some company and I'll buy first round.
Thinking Sweden, yes please, that's very generous of you and damn, i'm too young to drink legally(not that it matters a lot:devious: )... Damn you, lousy Swedish alcohol laws.
I'm thinking that my job sucks even more lately - I haven't really been on OTC to check things out and post in like 2 days!!!! :crying2: