This has been bugging me all day...

You ever hear people saying you should use less toilet paper? Personally, I wanna use as much as I please, and then a little extra just to be safe. I'd rather have extra layers between my hand and my ass if I can, especially if it's cheap paper and tears easily.
I'm thinking about going outside, filling my lungs full of tobacco smoke and screaming at the top of my lungs untill my voice box gives out..
I'm thinking that it has been hellacrazy at work and I've not been here for days now. Just wanted to say hi! :wave:
why do our bosses make us come in on days when there is nothing to do. let them pay us to stay home instead of wasting our time at the office
I need a text link for the quick reply function... I hate having to move my hand several decimeters just 'cause mozilla's keyboard linkfinder-type thingie doesn't find buttons.[/whine]
Yeah that's right, i surf mouseless.
I'm thinking that I really didn't want to come back to work today. Oh, and that I can't believe he sent me that darn email - just as I was about to write him off! :crying2:
About how much I love my kitty and how much Aaron loved me to keep this kitty for me when he hated her. I don't think that I will ever quit missing him.
About how this damn pill big enough for a horse is stuck in my throat and about WHY in the world they'd prescribe such large pills to someone with a swollen throat...:lloyd:
PrincessLissa said:
That I luff Erik and don't know how to tell him.
Sometime when you guys are sitting having a nice quiet moment whisper in his ear "Can I tell you a secret?" and when he says "Yes" say "I'm falling in love with you" or "I love you" or something of the sort...worked fabulously for me :D He says it was the cutest thing how I said it :D