what do i need to get a US visa?

AlladinSane said:
US Visa? Don't you have an international card or something?

Do you mean the passport?, you need that one too.

Mexicans need to get a Visa in order to cross the US border legaly.
Luis G said:
Mexicans need to get a Visa in order to cross the US border legaly.

Thanks to all the illegals. If they would work on improving your country & it's economic situation that non-sense could end.
Yeah, I guess it'd be kinda like a passport Luis...here in Canada if all you need to go into the states is proof of citizenship in Canada and all you need to go to a number of other countries is a passport...Inky is prolly thinking that that is all Mexicans need to get into the States without stoiping to think that the US and Mexico aren't really that close (other than in a geographial sense)

As for Inky's Visa vs AmEx comment??? :trout:
Gonz said:
Thanks to all the illegals. If they would work on improving your country & it's economic situation that non-sense could end.

I know, I don't support illegal immigrants at all.
Luis G said:
Do you mean the passport?, you need that one too.
No I meant an international Credit Card. Here you pay a little more and they give you a card that can be used in any Visa stablishment around the world. Do they require specifically a Visa? Or another credit card operator has the same effect?
AlladinSane said:
No I meant an international Credit Card. Here you pay a little more and they give you a card that can be used in any Visa stablishment around the world. Do they require specifically a Visa? Or another credit card operator has the same effect?

Ohhh, not that kind of visa (all our credit cards are international anyway). I'm talking visa as in a license to enter US territory.
maybe if you told them you were just driving through to Canada? I'd "vouch" for you :D
Luis G said:
Being a mexican is very hard to get one, because all of those damn illegal immigrants over there.

Next year I want to make a trip to the US starting in our border up to Maine.

So what do I need to increase my chances of getting a visa?
I don't know about visas, but for a Visa, all you need to do is have an address and they'll send you your "PREAPPROVED 0.0000000009% FINANCING TO START, $50,000,000 UNSECURED CREDIT LINE OMGOMG OPEN RIGHT NOW OR YOU DIE" spam in a couple days
Nixy said:
Inky is prolly thinking that that is all Mexicans need to get into the States without stoiping to think that the US and Mexico aren't really that close (other than in a geographial sense)

When did I say that? The only thing I posted in here was the credit card pun, then the tomato smilie.
Gonz said:
Luis, From Tijuana to Portland Maine is about 3200 miles. 500 per day will take 8-10 hours. Are you sure you want to cut it that short?
that's a hell of a lot of driving for being on 'vacation'