ipmoof said:You'd never make any money over here. Everybody buys tetrapacked ejaculate.
Rose said:You know they will, Stewey. I bet both are keeping a good eye on you 'cause you keep stealing the trout.
/me gets someand waits to watch ...
Arris said:* Helps Stewey escape the evil manical Rose *
hey! gimme that shit back, i need a complete set of ten to sell to the bowling alley.steweygrrrr said:*gets some of Tommyj27s hermetically sealed quart milk jugs of fap and chases Rose*
NF said:I collect it in an air-tight container, set it outside to roast in the sun a bit, then I mix it inside batch of cupcakes that I give poor children in the local hospital. I'm a giver.
What? It's a hobby.
Ewwwww, that's just sick. See it's hilarious if it's non-true, but ewwwwwww if it is. And that one is....ewwwwww [[runs to go puke]]steweygrrrr said:*shudders* The above quote reminds me of a not so funny story:
My brother and his buds were coming home one nite from IndieGo (rock club) and they decided that they wanted a Kebab so they bobbed into a nearby takeaway called Sizzlers. Now my bro asked for a normal donner kebab but his friend, well she asked for a donner with garlic sauce on. They happily munched away and went home. Three days later said friend comes in with a large rash round her mouth. She'd been to the doctors and found out she'd got oral herpes. They tracked the source to Sizzlers and found 6 peoples semen in the Garlic sauce. Blech!Said place was promptly closed.