What Do YOU Fear?


New Member
Fears.............funny little things, they are.

Many of them, like old friends, we've known since childhood. We welcome them each time we see them, even give them permission to lead us around, fully trustin' that what they proclaim, as, "true", is true for us, since they've 'always' been there, since our earliest days.

Others 'ave only recently, been introduced to us by friends an' well meanin' loved ones.

Each time we meet a new fear, we size it up an' decide whether its truely our size, or not. If it fits what we think we know of ourselves, we keep it in our closet, for future use.

If not, we quickly ridicule it, denounce it, send it on its way.

Some are smaller, more beneign, only useful to us, when pointin' towards a direction which we think is 'safe'.

Others are very powerful motivators that we allow to cause us to go WAY out of our way, to avoid confrontin'.

Needless to say, I'm not a super-stitious person. I think we choose our fears. Jus' like we choose any other belief we accept.

Our fears 'ave no 'real' power over us, besides that which we give them. All of them are traitors, an' haters of our souls.

They are not 'universal', otherwise EVERYONE would 'ave a fear of heights, of spiders, of water, of rejection..................which ALL of us do not 'ave.

When we meet one, that agrees with that which we already think 'bout ourselves, or understand 'bout our environment, we quickly align ourselves with it, decide it has a 'proper' place in our lives.

However, when we meet ones that do not agree, or appear to 'ave a proper place, we jus' as quickly, deny their relevance, deny 'em, an' hope they jus' go away.

Our fears are jus' make-believe..........powerless..........jus' mental perceptions......things we CAN 'an WILL overcome if we choose to.

Ya 'ave mine now, so what's yer two cents?:)
Spiders, big hairy ones, little ones don't bother me much.

Snakes, only good snake is a dead snake.

That's about it.
That when i get old and look back on my life i'm going to have many regrets. I strive to prevent this daily but it isn't easy. I shan't expound any further at this point.
HeXp£Øi± said:
That when i get old and look back on my life i'm going to have many regrets. I strive to prevent this daily but it isn't easy. I shan't expound any further at this point.

Look back on what life, hex? The one that is past, forever?

Yer a different person today, than the one ya were then, so why belabor yer mind with tryin' to change what belongs to eternity past?:)

Be the 'new' you, today bro.

Perhaps, try to leave the 'end' results to the One who is truely sovereign over yer past, present, an' future.

What 'ave ya got to lose?
When I was younger, I was afraid I wouldn't be asked to Prom ... not only was I asked to Prom my Junior and Senior years, I was also asked about 6 years ago when I was teaching at a High School :D

I was also afraid that I wouldn't get many leis at my high school graduation ... I had so many, I had to take some off in order to see.

I was afraid (and still am, to a point), that a day will come and I won't know my kids ... they still like hanging out with me (even the 16 year old) so ... so far, so good, I guess ...

I fear some other stoopid stuff that's too mushy to say .. so I'll stop now ...

oh wait - and snakes ... I hate snakes ... there was one big ass bastard snake in Georgia by the Chattahooche River that tried to KILL ME!
Centipedes - and I don't know why - most bugs don't bother me. But centipedes give me the serious heebie-jeebies. Ards had to rescue me from one this morning. I made an awful row about it. :blush:
nuh-uh Hubba(squared) ... we ain't got snakes here in hawai'i ... and they knew that in Georgia ... I could hear them hissing 'fresh meat! fresh meat!' ... bastards

HeXp£Øi± said:
That when i get old and look back on my life i'm going to have many regrets. I strive to prevent this daily but it isn't easy. I shan't expound any further at this point.
Until I got married about 10 years ago, I spent most of my life doing things that I could regret in my "old age."

Biggest fear: That the religious right will continue to gain power.
I can't really say I fear anything. Too damn lucky. The only real fear I have is that something will happen to the family when I'm not there.
Professur said:
Funny, I didn't think a little prick would bother you.;)

Prof, why do ya still try to get a laugh at Jeleks expense? Why does anyone?

Perhaps ya 'fear' that if ya don't take the lead at back-stabbin', him, someone else will get a one-up on ya...........

I say, we will all be known for what we are...........

No one has to point out MY flaws, they stare me square in the face, every mornin', in the mirror.

I think we're all jus' lookin' for a little 'acceptence', for our own eccentricities/"weirdnesses", etc. Don't you? Are you better than he is? (i'm not)

God knows I'm full of obvious selfishness, an' yet, I'm still beggin' for a friend to accept me as I am, wrong or right..............
nalani said:
nuh-uh Hubba(squared) ... we ain't got snakes here in hawai'i ... and they knew that in Georgia ... I could hear them hissing 'fresh meat! fresh meat!' ... bastards

I can attest to that. We walked through a park... a park that I had visited off and on for 20 years ... and had never seen a snake there until the day Na showed up.
75renegade said:
Professur said:
Funny, I didn't think a little prick would bother you.;)

Prof, why do ya still try to get a laugh at Jeleks expense? Why does anyone?

Perhaps ya 'fear' that if ya don't take the lead at back-stabbin', him, someone else will get a one-up on ya...........

I say, we will all be known for what we are...........

No one has to point out MY flaws, they stare me square in the face, every mornin', in the mirror.

I think we're all jus' lookin' for a little 'acceptence', for our own eccentricities/"weirdnesses", etc. Don't you? Are you better than he is? (i'm not)

God knows I'm full of obvious selfishness, an' yet, I'm still beggin' for a friend to accept me as I am, wrong or right..............

I know that's not how you intended it, but damn, that nearly killed me laughing.

Why did I take the free shot? Simple. Despite myself, I still like the little buggerer. And I took the shot to take it away from others who might drive it much deeper than I.

As for wether I'm better than him? Of course I am. Just as he should think he's better than me. I don't trust anyone who doesn't think of himself as the best. I wouldn't understand their motivation.
Professur said:
As for wether I'm better than him? Of course I am. Just as he should think he's better than me. I don't trust anyone who doesn't think of himself as the best. I wouldn't understand their motivation.

Do ya love him?

Do ya think he's less important than you are?
I fear death by head trauma, dunno why, but i do, shoot me in the chest or something just leave my head there :-/