What Do YOU Fear?

nalani said:
SEE?! I told you guys! We were just walking along .. it was just my second day there and I needed a nice walk ... then out of the bush comes this SNAKE! He just slithered along right in front of us! .. He was out to kill me ... he was!
Why thank you ... I have been working out. :D
Two big fears...one that I experience when I work around power tools...that is, I'm afraid of going blind. There are far too many things to miss if you can't see them.

The second fea, I have to put away every night before I can go to sleep. I'm afraid that the missus and I wll forget to put the criv bar in the UP position and my little monster will take another dive off his crib but kill himself or hurt himself badly this time.

I literally cannot fall asleep unless I've checked up on this twice.

Oh...forgot the third...I fear my own temper/anger. Prof will tell you that I'm a calm guy...patient etc... but I've had occasion to lose my temper in a real way...and I hurt someone worst than i am willing to accept...I fear losing my temper again and not holding it back

Call it Hulkaphobia.
75renegade said:
What Do YOU Fear?
I'll just list my biggest ones

On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, it'd be Cops - 10, losing someone from my immediate family (including my brothers, my cats, or my cousins) - 10, and grease fires - 7.
Beats me. I had a nightmare that I got my head blown off by one for not making a complete stop at a stop sign once and my cousin says it means I'm afraid of them. I dunno, I just feel like I'm about to have a heart attack whenever I see one turn on his lights and siren anywhere near me. Especially behind me. I completely freeze, sometimes I get so freaked out I forget to pull over to the side of the road to let them through.
It's not that way with ambulances and fire trucks though, just cops. Maybe it's because of the area I'm in. The cops around here are tightasses, pulling over a whole lot of people especially teenagers like me. Sometimes for no reason.
Ok, the dream would probably freak me out a little too. Cops used to scare me, especially right after I started driving, but remember, they are just people. Most of them are really nice people. Be nice to them, they'll be nice to you, just like anyone else. And don't forget to come to a complete stop.

There actually was a Sheriff about 20 miles from where I live that shot a kid for speeding. The kid pulled over and was reaching across the seat to get his insurance card out of the glove box, the Sherrif drew and shot without warning, killed the kid. The Sherrif was forced to retire after that. I think that's all that happened to him though. It's been about 12 or 15 years ago.
I fear dark outdoor places, expecially parks and other such places without houses around. Why do I fear them? I fear someone jumping out and attacking me.

I fear being home alone because I fear someone breaking in and killing me

I fear ending up old and alone because I can't figure out how I feel

I fear finding out there is some huge secret in my family that I have lived my life without knowing
PuterTutor said:
remember, they are just people. Most of them are really nice people.
Not when dealing with youngsters. They stereotype youngsters with rebellious little shits, and treat them like so. Around here, they come up about a car's length behind you, find out that you are a youngster, then purposely scare the hell out of you by tailgating and then turning on their lights and sirens; I'm sure that's mostly for our own good, making sure that we stay alert or something. It just kinda raises my blood pressure by 2-300% or so, and it's high enough just being on the road with thousands of pounds of metal passing within inches of you at any given time.
[/quote]I have to add one more fear to my list because of this "debate" between Hex and Prof ... another fear is that Prof would stop being who he is ... if he didn't make those little comments here and there, he wouldn't be who he is ... a smartass, sarcastic, arrogant, and intelligent dude ... and I wouldn't have it any other way :) [/quote]

Thanks for the gentle reminder na.

*gets a splinter in leg while climbin' down off high-horse*:(

Sometimes, I'm afraid of me..........I can be my own worst enemy. (sorry Prof.)