What Do YOU Fear?

Love him? Him? HIM? (am I making a point yet?)

Do I think he's less important than me? Of course. I think everyone's less important than me. 'Cept my kids. Put me in a sealed room with anyone else and see if I don't kill them for the air. Would I do that to someone more important than me?
Professur said:
Love him? Him? HIM? (am I making a point yet?)Do I think he's less important than me? Of course. I think everyone's less important than me. 'Cept my kids. Put me in a sealed room with anyone else and see if I don't kill them for the air. Would I do that to someone more important than me?

I love him, an' you........though we're all adultereses, murderers, an' liars. (though deep in denial, we remain)

Yer kids, an' mine, deserve a better example of what 'forgiveness' looks like. That what our best is to show, leaves MUCH to be desired, don't ya think?

At any rate, they WILL see, an' follow, from our example, won't they bro.?
*futility leadin'* attempts to stay on topic...........

Why do ya cling to the fears ya hide behind? (love fer others, gone by the wayside.........love fer self, in question........)

So what do YOU fear? ............(why):)
I guess i don't want to be exiting the world in such a grisly manner, and the fear of people pointin and staring at my headless corpse is just morbid to me, it'd be a quicker death than any i guess, but i want to know i'm gonna die, not just blink out.
Justintime said:
I guess i don't want to be exiting the world in such a grisly manner, and the fear of people pointin and staring at my headless corpse is just morbid to me, it'd be a quicker death than any i guess, but i want to know i'm gonna die, not just blink out.

Justin, yer gonna die alright, but with yer head intact.......loved, an' of old age.......an' with yer boots ON bro!

.....Children present, an' so on.......

All ya got think 'bout is, do I will myself to burial, (expensive), or cremation, (less expensive), or so I'm told........

Cremation is my preffrnc., (morbidity embellished, for the sake of my brother, Just.) Cheaper, me thinks, an' less emotionally traumatisin'........
Professur said:
Funny, I didn't think a little prick would bother you.
Meh. My mind tells me I shouldn't be scared, but my body reacts otherwise. When someone brings a needle near me I start freaking out, and I can't help it. Something happened to me a long time ago, something I'd rather forget, and it involved a needle. :eh:

Despite myself, I still like the little buggerer.
I'm a little buggerer? Anyways, I like you too. :love:

And I took the shot to take it away from others who might drive it much deeper than I
Thank you. :) I'm used to people making fun of that, especially since a lot of my friends donate blood and they simply don't let me forget the fact that "I'm a wuss cuz I'm scared of needles."

Put me in a sealed room with anyone else and see if I don't kill them for the air.
Lol. You know, in a case like that if the person was a friend, I'd probably volunteer to go first.

Oh and renegade, thanks! :)
cockroaches and needles... not necessarily in that order. :)

... for me my fear of needles is tied up with having my blood taken. I can tolerate innoculations or dental injections, but I freak when someone wants to shove a needle in my vein. I was so freaked when I had a blood transfusion after my caesarean that I couldn't look at or use my arm, and insisted they remove it as soon as the transfusion was finished. I still have the form for my thyroid function and random glucose tests in my bag. Last time my sister held my hand, now I just can't bring myself to go. I definately wouldn't make much of a junkie...

Injecting someone else or blood transfusions on others don't bother me.
Professur said:
Do I think he's less important than me? Of course. I think everyone's less important than me. 'Cept my kids. Put me in a sealed room with anyone else and see if I don't kill them for the air. Would I do that to someone more important than me?
I understand that completely, Prof.
Justintime said:
Mental note: kill prof first if in sealed room.
It's on my list too.:D
unclehobart said:
nalani said:
nuh-uh Hubba(squared) ... we ain't got snakes here in hawai'i ... and they knew that in Georgia ... I could hear them hissing 'fresh meat! fresh meat!' ... bastards

I can attest to that. We walked through a park... a park that I had visited off and on for 20 years ... and had never seen a snake there until the day Na showed up.

SEE?! I told you guys! We were just walking along .. it was just my second day there and I needed a nice walk ... then out of the bush comes this SNAKE! He just slithered along right in front of us! .. He was out to kill me ... he was!

I have to add one more fear to my list because of this "debate" between Hex and Prof ... another fear is that Prof would stop being who he is ... if he didn't make those little comments here and there, he wouldn't be who he is ... a smartass, sarcastic, arrogant, and intelligent dude ... and I wouldn't have it any other way :)
*glad that I've never seen a snake in my life*
*curses the bastards who bring snakes in to Hawai'i as pets*

I fear my grandparents' death.