Let's see... Ketchup on hamburgers, ketchup on chicked, ketchup on anything, anything that was born as a tomato, those damn Listerine mints, windows xp, windows xp explorer [It starts in MY Document. I don't use explorer to look at My Documents. It also groups everything into My Computer. I mean, it should start on C;/ where all important files live] office xp, dell, tv, P4 commercials [it shows a P4-2800 compared, not to the big competitor (AMD 2800+), but to a P3-533. I mean the P4s going to be faster no shit sherlock.] computer illeterates, people who don't care about spelling, people who dis CLAN UA...
I hate how they put mustard and ketchup on their cheeseburgers, nut no lettuce and mayonase. I mean, not everyone likes ketchup and mustard and you cant take them off a burger