What do you think will happen to the earth once all the oil's gone?


New Member
Had this converstaion at work on monday. Either lifes going to get a whole lot simpler again or we will have a big old world war for the last scraps or we will make alternative fuels. During the second world war the germans used synthesized fuel. Maybe that one's being kept in reserve.


New Member
Oil will never run out. Within 50 years there will a catasrophic conventional and nuclear war that will only leave small pockets to fend for themsleves with hardscrabble tech. A sorta Mad Max/kevin Costner 'Postman' world.


Southern Discomfort
Man will never through his own actions cause the end of the world. That lies in the hands of Someone Else to decide.

As to when the oil runs out, we'll either have developed another energy source like we have every other time, or we'll revert a bit. Either one would be a good idea IMO. But whadda I know, I'm just a hick Luddite.


Staff member
all the hollow pockets we're leaving under the earth while stealing resources will cave in on themselves and it'll implode.


New Member
Leslie said:
all the hollow pockets we're leaving under the earth while stealing resources will cave in on themselves and it'll implode.
Can't happen. We fill those pockets slowly up with water as we take it out because oil floats and its easier skimming it off the top rather that chasing pipes all over hell and high water looking for the hidden pockets.


Too cute for words
D. All of the above. :D

Seriously, alternative energy sources will be developed (are being developed now in fact) but no one will put enough resources behind them to realize a viable solution until the oil is, for all practical purposes, gone. At that point there will be wars, famines etc. The people who develop the best solution fastest at that point will end up in the driver's seat. Given our (the US) current view of science and discovery, it's unlikely to be us. It won't be pretty. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, we'll get a better form of fuel for our vehicles before we run out of oil. Then again, oil is used for much more than just maiing gas for the cars and heating homes. Plastics, polyester, chemical fertilizers, etc etc...are all petroleum based.

I look to the UAE for what happens when oil producers realize that they're running out. The UAE switched their major industry from oil production to travel/tourism. I'd hope that the saem could happen with the rest of the oil producers, but I seriously don't think that it'll happen...especially in hot-spots like the middle-east.

In the meanwhile, the more that countries rely on a product in decline, the more they give up control over their economy to other countries/companies/individuals. A sudden stop in oil flowing into the USA could cause a recession, a depression or an allright collapse in not only the USA's economy, but that of Canada and a good chunk of Europe (who are linked tightly to the US Economy).

If Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi or Iraq suddenly said "We're shutting down our pumps"...all hell would break loose.
Then you'd see what a real war for oil'd look like. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Liliandra said:
I'd continue riding my damn bike like I have been for the last ~18 years.
Try that with 40cms of snow on the ground, -30celcius temps and a 3 year old on your back...then get back to me :)


Well-Known Member
Liliandra said:
ya, it was.... so much fun, aside from trying to get anywhere... and the whole collapsing buildings thing....

That little bit of snow caused all that damage??? I thought colorado was used to snow.


New Member
Professur said:
That little bit of snow caused all that damage??? I thought colorado was used to snow.

We are, but that one measured over 4 foot in many areas, drifts breaking 9.... a couple old buildings were down, 1 large building had a roof collapse, but they wanted to remodel anyways....