What file transfer app do you use?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone still use Mirc or otherwise irc? Can icq be used for file transfer(i've never used it) if so is it any good?

I mostly use Mirc and somewhat Kazaa. what do you use?
ICQ isn't bad...it lets you resume so that if it gets cut off you don't have to start all over again, so that's a good thing.
Stopped using Kazaa, until I get another comp hooked up, my router keeps fooking around when I try to connect to Kazaa or E-donkey.

So the only other solution is to hook it up to another comp with 2 NICs and see what happens. I think it maybe the fact that router doesn't know where to send the traffic from these 2 progs so it fooks up my connection.

Make sense? :cool:
HeXp£Øi± said:
I thought pretty much everything let you resume these days. Does icq have large channels like irc?

No, it works different, ICQ is an instant messaging system, not a general chat.

Thou, there's IrCQ net, where you can chat to people with icq via IRC.

For file exchange i use: ICQ or mIRC
for Downloading: getright
Well then does icq have file search capability? I remember trying it a couple of years back and i don't remember seeing one. If it does it seems it would be far superior to all those other apps since it has so many more users. Last year icq was downloaded more times from download.com than the next top ten downloads combined.
No file searching, it isn't meant as a file sharing app.

Rather, it lets you find people, have a list of contacts, voice chat, etc.
No, ICQ is just chat, you can send files back and forth with people you are chatting with, but I believe the sender has to initiate it.
wget, sftp for general purpose, i compiled gnutella but i've never used it, kinda hard to do much over 56k
I use bullet proof FTP for making FTP servers, getright for downloadin HTTP and FTP files, cute FTP for upping files.