What freaks you out?


Staff member
Is there a flashback from a horror/creepy movie that still gets you even today when you least expect it? I have a bunch.

I have problems in bathrooms at night. The sink drain...IT. I wish I'd never seen that movie. The worst though is the mirror. From some movie or book (can't remember for the life of me) where some guy's (a paranormal investigator?) face rots off while he's looking in the mirror. I can't look in mirrors at night.

School/industrial building hallways at night, or even just when they're deserted.

Also, dolls and clowns under the bed. I guess that's from Chucky. I can't let my toes be off the edge of the bed, and my feet have to be covered. This one is so bad it's subconscious now. As a kid, I had a toy clown that's nose turned to make it play music. It would go under the bed (somehow???) and the cat would hit it at night and the music would go and I'd sit there and tremble and cry silently. I still have the clown today but it's WAY up high and barricaded in so it can't escape to under the bed ever again.
Leslie said:
The worst though is the mirror. From some movie or book (can't remember for the life of me) where some guy's (a paranormal investigator?) face rots off while he's looking in the mirror. I can't look in mirrors at night.

Probably from "Poltergeist".

The only thing that freaks me out is the idea of snakes in the plumbing, but then snakes freak me out anyways.

nasty, sneakey, little poisonous armless freaks
Pet Cemetary and Cujo...certain dogs just don't seem all that friendly anymore. :shrug:

I used to have a 'monkey with symbols' wind up toy that I got rid of shortly after 'Monkey shines'

That static-screen off of the TV - ever since Poltergeist
Large flocks of birds for a few days after watching hitchcock's "The Birds"

*trivia bit - this movie has no soundtrack. Director thought that it would make the film seem more unnatural and quiet...too quiet!*
HomeLAN said:
Probably from "Poltergeist".
That's what I've thought, but I haven't seen it in a decade at least. I just didn't wanna rewatch it and reinforce it :eh:
Snakes. Even on TV or a movie. Petrified of snakes.

Stephen King, the ONLY fiction I read, has a talent for making the mundane frightening. A lot of his books will point something out that will weird me out for awhile after reading it. Then I read a new book of his, and a new scenario will come to mind...

Ever since studying John Wayne Gacy, I don't want anything to do with crawlspaces.
Though the movie Arachnophobia is rather humorous and not really a horror film, it makes me trip out when watching it, because of my dislike of spders. Everytime I view this movie I go like hell allover my room checking for spiders.
Birdman1978 said:
Though the movie Arachnophobia is rather humorous and not really a horror film, it makes me trip out when watching it, because of my dislike of spders. Everytime I view this movie I go like hell allover my room checking for spiders.

i HATE spiders, i will run like a little girl
I dunno if anyone but me remembers a TV series called Cliffhangers. (no, not the Stallone movie). They'd do Hitchcock style shorts, and cut away at the climax, and you'd have to tune in next week to see the finally. Three stories an episode, if I recall correctly.

Well, I never did scare easily. But there was one episode where there was something hiding under the stairs, in the dark. Well, we had a set of stairs, and the bottom set had an identical dark space behind them. No backs on the stairs. Well, the first few times, I got the willies going down them, just waiting for the hands to reach through and haul me down. I got over it after seeing the episode finish the next week. But that week was awful.

Need I say I was six? And I still live with those stairs.
paul_valaru said:
i HATE spiders, i will run like a little girl

I've got $20 for video of that. Pics of Paul running, in a thin, short summer dress, pigtails flapping behind him. Maybe a calico?
paul_valaru said:
i HATE spiders, i will run like a little girl

I'll vouch for that. he can smell them without even seeing them. sort of creepy really.

Nothing comes to mind that really freaks me out. I'm a horrow movie buff and love watching them. the scarier the better.
The snake thing gets me too. In times of stress I have half-awake hallucinations. Mostly it's snakes on the floor of my bedroom or bugs/spiders crawling on my bed or Rusty's head. I usually scream, jump out of bed and run across the room. At which point, I'm fully awake but have trouble being convinced that they're not really there.

I once elbowed Rusty in the ribs really hard because I wanted him to get the spider off his head before he got bitten. He wasn't happy.

There's a scene in the movie The Craft where there are snakes all over the floor, that creeps me out. Stephen King had a collection of short stories, I forget the name, but there was a guy who had an eye grow in the palm of his hand. A blinking, moving eye. And all I kept thinking about was what it would feel like to make a fist.
Maybe there was alot of lead in the water where I grew up. You know the scene from The Hunt for Red October where it comes out of the dark sea. Wellllllll I won't go to far out into the sea unless I get hit by a Submarine. Any Arm chair psychologists?
greenfreak said:
Stephen King had a collection of short stories, I forget the name, but there was a guy who had an eye grow in the palm of his hand. A blinking, moving eye. And all I kept thinking about was what it would feel like to make a fist.

Survivor Type was the title of the story, I think.
Lopan said:
Maybe there was alot of lead in the water where I grew up. You know the scene from The Hunt for Red October where it comes out of the dark sea. Wellllllll I won't go to far out into the sea unless I get hit by a Submarine. Any Arm chair psychologists?
lol I feel better about mine now!

not because of a movie or book, but I worry/try and not panic about garpike biting through the bottom of boats and getting my toes.