what gives you the worst gas?


Not really Banned
i had venison for supper and now i'm going to be generally intolerable to be around for the rest of the night, i even offend myself. so what is it that gives you worst case swamp ass?
Gyro burritos do quite a number on me, and I only eat it when I'm home because of that. Had one for lunch today, so watch out... :D
My old lady.....Seriously she's the one giving off noxious fumes in our house. She makes superb beans with ham hocks, but DAMN! :belch:
Hands down, has to be Krystal hamburgers. I could generate electricity after a sackful of them monsters.

God, they're good though...
No, their gas is gas. If they put crap in your tank, you would have to have the tank pumped out and replace the fuel filter, that being the best-case scenario.
baked beans or muesli

baked beans are good for your heart,
the more you eat the more you fart
the more you fart the more you eat
so eat baked beans for lunch and tea

something I learned as a child. ( I was a very sweet child ;p )