what hurts?


Well-Known Member
my back hurts. :(

i was shuffling around at work for 4 hours kinda like a zombie. add to that that i was having one of those days where i was dropping everything and i had a lovely time. one of my co-workers was getting ready to start a lottery to see who was going to get to give me an injection of an anti-inflammatory.
instead, i got a script for some muscle relaxants from one of the MD's and went home.
the upside is that i will get to catch up on my reading tomorrow.
ach, me sympathies dude........I had a bit of grief with me back last year after me car fell on me :(

Hope the road to yer recovery is a short one :)
I used to throw myself at the pavement at insane speeds from time to time. I won't bore everyone with a list.
Well, I thought I was racing motorcycles. All the guys who finished ahead of me probably had another opinion. Unfortunately, when you ride a motorcycle as fast as you can, you will occasionally fall down. Hard.
a swift kick in the ass-thats what hurts..

BTW Dave-Hope ya feel better soon, but not to soon enjoy the R & R with the muscle relaxers..... :winkkiss:
Oz said:
Hope the road to yer recovery is a short one

Mare said:
Hope ya feel better soon, but not to soon enjoy the R & R with the muscle relaxers

thank you both. a couple of days with the muscle relaxants should do the trick. :D
most of my body is a little stove up...one full day of truck loading and another of riding in a rental truck while being squeezed between a cat carrier and another body will do that to you....
tonks said:
most of my body is a little stove up...one full day of truck loading and another of riding in a rental truck while being squeezed between a cat carrier and another body will do that to you....

hey tonks. welcome back :D
how's the new digs?
my back hurt a bit yesterday, fine today though. my chest is a bit tender, and my ankles feel kinda funky from running earlier. nothing that won't subside overnight.
I have a feeling mine will worsen overnight and I will feel like I am 50 tomorrow...
that happens sometimes too. When i work legs really hard I usually hate myself about two days later.
Nixy said:
My abs hurt

I did pilates...twice...in one night...

My most sincere, deepest sympathies dear! know what you mean about the abs screaming at you after a hard session.....and you did TWO!!!! Hats off to you hun. :hug:

Spot, freako - hope you guys feel better real soon. :hug:

tonksy - I'm sure you'll be made to feel much better real soon :)

tommy - smooches babe, hang in there :kiss:

Now, anyone else in need of a nurse?
tonks said:
most of my body is a little stove up...one full day of truck loading and another of riding in a rental truck while being squeezed between a cat carrier and another body will do that to you....

Shoulda buried the body;) WELCOME BACK! :D

My arse muscles are killing me! stoopid weightliftin' grrr...