what if...


New Member
ok, we've all answered the question "what would you do if you won a million dollars?" but what i wanna know is, if i gave you a thousand dollars- what would you do?
and no fair saying "i'd pay bills." i'm giving it to you to spend on yourself.
tonks said:
ok, we've all answered the question "what would you do if you won a million dollars?" but what i wanna know is, if i gave you a thousand dollars- what would you do?
and no fair saying "i'd pay bills." i'm giving it to you to spend on yourself.

I'd buy my future wife the ring she wants.
I'd say Thank You...:hug:...Then I'd prolly find someone that needed a thousand dollars spent on them...:crying3:
Squiggy said:
I'd say Thank You...:hug:...Then I'd prolly find someone that needed a thousand dollars spent on them...:crying3:
well, if you ever find yourself in that situation, i need a new cd player...
Damn, we can't pay bill with it? I suppose I need new clothes. Always need new clothes. I'd probably die if I could go on a $1,000 shopping spree!
I'd buy a set of surround speakers.....or

I'd buy some old coins....or

I'd buy a computer upgrade.....or

I'd buy a hot prostitute....or

I'd buy a telescope....or

I'd buy a new couch....or

I'd buy a new bedroom set....or

I'd pay someone else to paint the rest of my house.

Thanks tonks, is the check in the mail? :winkkiss:
Stacy_Allen said:
Can you make that £1000? :) i need a vacation! :D

Nah, you need to take Rob and go Cumbria by your nan, peaceful time up there that was! the 1000 can be spent on something better than a PII with 128mb RAM :lol2:
Justintime said:
Nah, you need to take Rob and go Cumbria by your nan, peaceful time up there that was! the 1000 can be spent on something better than a PII with 128mb RAM :lol2:

Yes the LD was nice too, you're one cheeky git bad mouthing my computer!
It would be just enough to pay for Katie and me to take the car to Holland overnight(cabin) on the ferry and go visit my brother and sister-in-law in Hilchenbach in Germany - a 4 to 5 hour drive. Leaving at 11pm and docking at 7am (European Time) we could be there for lunch. :)
Aunty Em said:
It would be just enough to pay for Katie and me to take the car to Holland overnight on the ferry and go visit my brother and sister-in-law in Hilchenbach in Germany - a 4 to 5 hour drive. :)

I have family in Dresden and Bonn :D
I've had mine for over a year now...They're great for those friday nights when you're home alone...:faptard:
tonks said:
ok, we've all answered the question "what would you do if you won a million dollars?" but what i wanna know is, if i gave you a thousand dollars- what would you do?
and no fair saying "i'd pay bills." i'm giving it to you to spend on yourself.

I'd have to put it towards the house that me and my fella are planning on putting an offer in for tomorrow (well actually latrer today seeing as it is gone 1am)
I'll still have to cheat and say "pay my bills." I only take home about $300 more than that in a month after taxes... and I'm in the 8.5 percent withholding bracket.