What if...


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since the polls are usually wrong (you do know that Kerry won the exit polls right, as did Gore & Carter had a huge lead over Reagan through the entire race) what happens if Obama the messiah is only a Senator on Wednesday?

Race riots?
Liberal committing mass suicide?
Europeons storming the White House?

Or, another day & another example of how twisted our media has become? Instead of reporting on what happeded, they're trying to tell us what to do.

No matter who wins, it is clear than JOURANLISM has died. Too bad.

Don't be surprised to see McCain pull it out. The numbers behind the numbers tell the real story.
no. just the rest of the world continuing to further lose respect for a once great nation, that has become increasingly overrun by superstitious morons easily manipulated into supporting bombing the fuck out of wherever the instant anyone in washington points at some swarthy, turbaned savage.

some of us, realizing the way things are going, may consider other, less stupid and more honest parts of the world to invest our time and money. and i'm only being slightly cynical here.
Don't be surprised to see McCain pull it out. The numbers behind the numbers tell the real story.


It will be a McCain/Palin landslide.

Millions and millions of patriotic Americans know what Obama represents and what he wants to do to us. Little by little his real agenda has been revealed, and because most Americans disagree with the wholesale destruction of our constitutional republic and our way of life, Barack Hussein Obama will be soundly rejected at the polls.

When Obama loses there will be widespread rioting, looting, civil disobedience and worse. The leftists in this country have wound themselves up waaaay too tight with their eight year self-afflicted Bush Derangement Syndrome. They will throw the mother of all hissy-fits when they realize they won't get their "change".

The Obama campaign has been planning an election night victory party at Grant Park in Chicago for the past three weeks, and expects to draw "millions" -- as counted by democrats. Obama cares more about his ego than for the safety of the people there. That park will be considered "ground zero" when the fires start.

Cities Readying For Election Night Security

Obama Loss 'Will Spark the Second American Civil War. Blood Will Run in the Streets'

Police prepare for unrest

When Obama loses there will be widespread rioting, looting, civil disobedience and worse. The leftists in this country have wound themselves up waaaay too tight with their eight year self-afflicted Bush Derangement Syndrome. They will throw the mother of all hissy-fits when they realize they won't get their "change".

if obama loses nothing will happen, other than a lot of complaining. you're going to look very, very silly with this sky-is-falling crap should he lose. give me a fucking break...
Since the polls are usually wrong (you do know that Kerry won the exit polls right, as did Gore & Carter had a huge lead over Reagan through the entire race) what happens if Obama the messiah is only a Senator on Wednesday?

Race riots?

Liberal committing mass suicide?
Europeons storming the White House?

Or, another day & another example of how twisted our media has become? Instead of reporting on what happeded, they're trying to tell us what to do.

No matter who wins, it is clear than JOURANLISM has died. Too bad.

Don't be surprised to see McCain pull it out. The numbers behind the numbers tell the real story.
just the rest of the world continuing to further lose respect for a once great nation

What WILL the neighbors think?????

As soon as our shorelines aren't overrun with peopel from every nation on this planet looking to get in, I'll give a shit what someone thinks about this great nation.

You realy need to get out of Seattle....you have become one of them.
if obama loses nothing will happen, other than a lot of complaining. you're going to look very, very silly with this sky-is-falling crap should he lose. give me a fucking break...

So all the fanatical Obamamaniacs who were told by Himself to "get in their face" will put their hands in their pockets, kick their foot in the dust, say "Awww, shucks" and meekly go back to their communes?

All the Volkswagen driving liberals will stay at home with their curtains drawn, their houses dark, wonder outloud "How could this happen?" and quietly drink themselves into a stupor?

Obama is a cult leader. He's whipped his minions into an anticipatory frenzy.
What WILL the neighbors think?????

As soon as our shorelines aren't overrun with peopel from every nation on this planet looking to get in, I'll give a shit what someone thinks about this great nation.

You realy need to get out of Seattle....you have become one of them.

That's a poor attitude for business. Any capitalist could tell you that.
Considering how bipartisan the elections are over where you guys live, I'm not at all surprised that there would be talk of rioting, civil war etc etc... no matter who wins.

The police/security people see it the same way. Lots of people in the streets for an emotionally charged event..some of those people will be trouble=makers. Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

Same goes for sports events, concerts, rallys etc etc..
Bish, among the average citizens the differences are not nearly so vociferous as they are either here or among the campaigners. Most people have better sense. Regardless of who wins or loses there are unlikely to be more than isolated incidents perpetrated by morons (which will be blown all out of proportion both here and in the media).
Regardless of who wins or loses there are unlikely to be more than isolated incidents perpetrated by morons (which will be blown all out of proportion both here and in the media).

You mean that our mainstream media can't be trusted? How dare you insult my stack of National Enquirers...*handonhip
I imagine of McCain the Messiah loses tomorrow there's be:

Race Riots
Conservative talk show hosts OD'ing on Oxycontin while some members here recite their final talking points
Marshal Law declared by the Bush administration
I can't wait 'til we can get back to our regularly scheduled whinging instead of this mindless I-am-rubber-you-are-glue schtick.

Bish, among the average citizens the differences are not nearly so vociferous as they are either here or among the campaigners. Most people have better sense. Regardless of who wins or loses there are unlikely to be more than isolated incidents perpetrated by morons (which will be blown all out of proportion both here and in the media).
Depends on where you live, I guess. I doubt that there will be a civil war or anything of the type.. but I'm pretty sure there'll be a fair share of fist-fights regardless fo where the vote goes.
Since the polls are usually wrong (you do know that Kerry won the exit polls right, as did Gore & Carter had a huge lead over Reagan through the entire race) what happens if Obama the messiah is only a Senator on Wednesday?

Race riots?
Liberal committing mass suicide?
Europeons storming the White House?

Or, another day & another example of how twisted our media has become? Instead of reporting on what happeded, they're trying to tell us what to do.

No matter who wins, it is clear than JOURANLISM has died. Too bad.

Don't be surprised to see McCain pull it out. The numbers behind the numbers tell the real story.


VIDEO: FOX News' Rick Leventhal Faces Off With Black Panther Party Member at Pennsylvania Polling Place
video on fox

just a prelude:alienhuh: