What is the bet that this is the last you hear of this story?

Since when did this turn into a drug thread?

Why were African Americans lynched?
Why was the Native Americans culture suppressed?
Why were gays and lesbians beaten to death and still persecuted?

Fear that these groups might somehow hold power over those that wish to maintain the status quo.

Hierarchy among humans is built in. Few cultures have been able to avoid it. There is always someone on top and someone on the bottom of the social ladder. If you can maintain that you are not at the bottom by some birth-right then you are one step ahead of the game.
I agree with the statements made of "mind your own business" in the bedroom.

(Oh, and before certain people can start bringing in child pornography and pedophilia, that is NOT what I am talking about.)
Just using as much intelligence as your posts merit....


You know...we could go on like this all day, but you still wouldn't be able to give an intelligent response. So far, all you've given is snide remarks and veiled insults. For someone who claims a high IQ, you sure resort to low-brow tactics. Guess I should expect you to react emotionally instead of intelligently by now...:tomato:
(Oh, and before certain people can start bringing in child pornography and pedophilia, that is NOT what I am talking about.)

Unfortunately, those reasons, among others, are precisely why the government (local only please) has to interfere occasionaly.
Yes, the nation will fall because we have a descriptive word for a phobia.

Hey you forgot to address this...

Forgot to address what?

I have never declared this guy guilty. You are lying openly about that. You can not produce a single thing I have posted that says what you are accusing me of.


Where is the same treatment of this guy that was heaped on the athletes by the ADMINISTRATION, THE FACULTY, AND THE PRESS? They were the ones who declared the athletes guilty so why are they not heaping the same animus on this guy?

You can continue to tell this lie but that does not make it the truth nor you a truth teller.

The evidence shows that an actual rape did occur.

No question about that.

There are witnesses to some of these acts.

No question about that.

There are photographs of acts being performed.

No question about that.

In the Duke LaCrosse player case, there was no evidence that an actual rape occurred.

No question about that.

The DA lost his license to practice and resigned in disgrace.

No question about that.

How is a statement of fact a conviction? How is a statement of fact a declaration of guilt?

The witnesses will state the same thing that I have in court -- an actual rape occurred. They will tell it before a courtroom in which the accused sits ACCUSED but not CONVICTED. He will not be GUILTY until declared so by a jury of his peers, at which time that fact will be public record.

In the case of the Mormons, they were never arrested. They were never charged. They were never tried. They were never brought before the bar of justice. They were never declared guilty by a jury of their peers.

You, on the other hand, declared them guilty right out of the box. The only way you would have come to their defense would have been if they were Muslims.

A court of law ruled that their children were taken illegally and they were ordered returned. That must have been quite a disappointment to you, huh.
jimpeel said:
And suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law beyond any reasonable doubt.

jimpeel said:
An actual rape did take place in the one case

jimpeel said:
I have never declared this guy guilty.

So Jim, I've illustrated the hypocrisy pretty clearly. The guy has not been to court and you are declaring him guilty. It doesn't matter that the evidence pleases you enough to abandon your previously stated convictions. It's "alleged" until he goes to court.

He certainly may be guilty but saying "an actual rape did take place" is declaring him guilty before trial. Clear hypocrisy.

You, on the other hand, declared them guilty right out of the box. The only way you would have come to their defense would have been if they were Muslims.

No Jim, I did not declare them guilty and being a different religion would not change anything. Lying and trolling will not help you here.