What is the bet that this is the last you hear of this story?

Etymologically, the word "homophobia" is a misnomer. It was invented for those who wished to use it against those who disliked them.

Unlike the Latin form of "homo-", which means "man", "homo-" in Greek means "same".

The word "homosexual" is from the Greek. The "homo-" in "homophobic" uses the Greek form.

So, etymologically, if one were actually "homophobic" it would mean that one is terrified of anything that is the same. You would be too afraid to put on a matching pair of socks in the morning.

Of course political correctness, the means by which this nation will eventually fall, demands that the language be bastardized to accommodate those who need accommodation.
Yes, the nation will fall because we have a descriptive word for a phobia.

Hey you forgot to address this...

I'm saying that this guy is accused of rape. You have him already convicted before trial. Precisely what you were ranting against in other threads.

"And suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law beyond any reasonable doubt." -jimpeel

You following this?
Etymologically, the word "homophobia" is a misnomer. It was invented for those who wished to use it against those who disliked them.

Unlike the Latin form of "homo-", which means "man", "homo-" in Greek means "same".

The word "homosexual" is from the Greek. The "homo-" in "homophobic" uses the Greek form.

So, etymologically, if one were actually "homophobic" it would mean that one is terrified of anything that is the same. You would be too afraid to put on a matching pair of socks in the morning.

Of course political correctness, the means by which this nation will eventually fall, demands that the language be bastardized to accommodate those who need accommodation.

Actually the word comes from idiots who decided that anyone who has an opinion on homosexuality that is different than theirs is suffering from a mental condition. ;)
Nope, it's simply is a descriptive term for idiots who have an irrational fear of homosexuals.
If ignorance is bliss most people must live in a perpetual paradise.


Depends upon whom you're talking about. A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. I have no fear of homosexuals or homosexuality. I don't agree with the practice, but there is no fear involved. By classifying me, for instance, as a homophobe, those with differing opinions have proved themselves to have less than adequate intelligence. It also means that they have the problem, not me. ;)
Well, if you don't have the fear then you're not a homophobe. Pretty easy.

There's plenty of people that do and that's why there's a word for it.

There's still a ton of straight up bigots and 'we don't like your kind" type of folks with less than adequate intelligence that may or may not have the fear.
Depends upon whom you're talking about. A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. I have no fear of homosexuals or homosexuality. I don't agree with the practice, but there is no fear involved. By classifying me, for instance, as a homophobe, those with differing opinions have proved themselves to have less than adequate intelligence. It also means that they have the problem, not me. ;)

Yes because we all know you walk on water and shit roses.....

Spare me!
personally, while I find the sexual aspects of homosexuality disgusting, I can
understand and have some respect for the other parts of a relationship of such a nature.

Some I agree with, and some I don't.
Don't feel like going all psychobabble atm on the subject though.
personally, while I find the sexual aspects of homosexuality disgusting, I can
understand and have some respect for the other parts of a relationship of such a nature.

Some I agree with, and some I don't.
Don't feel like going all psychobabble atm on the subject though.

To any of us that is not gay, it's not something that we can understand. It can be revolting and make us uncomfortable, but to "not agree with it" is about a moronic statement if I ever heard one. Whether anyone "agrees" or not, it is and there is not a damn thing you can do other than accept it and mind your own fucking business. It has existed for thousands of years and it isn't going anywhere no matter how some wish it would.

I've never understood a guy wanting to have sex with a guy, or why women do it either for that matter (although it seems less disgusting, perhaps because of nothing more than anatomy). The point is that some people are inclined that way and its just none of my fucking business, or anyone else's but theirs. I've had gay friends and its the same as anyone, they want to be loved, the only difference is what they are attracted to sexually. I can respect their choices if they can respect mine. It's not even a question of agreeing or not, its a question of respecting another persons freedom or not.

Although I've disagreed with you on things before catacom I consider you to be one of the wisest people on this board and I respect that. You at least consider things from more than one side. Something many of us (myself included) fail to do as often as we should. I do appreciate your perspective.
Some people are attracted to fatties, others find the idea disgusting. Who gives a shit. Mind your own business.
Some people are attracted to fatties, others find the idea disgusting. Who gives a shit. Mind your own business.

that's the way I see it, when it comes to the bedroom.
who gives a shit? I dunno. I just felt like throwing my personal opinion out there.