What is the bet that this is the last you hear of this story?

I'll leave the pre-teen boys to you Mark


yer ghey
OMGawd I'll never be happy with my life if I can't
convince Mark of my 'straightness' !
(mebbe I’m really a flaming Fag and never knew it?)
I'd better do something quick mebbe
I'll ask my wife of 28 years if she
ever knew she was married to Queen!!!!

I shot up the meth I did
you smoked yours?

How many poop chutes has your peenie in in?
Mine hmmm lessee how about ZERO!

if I have any latent 'tendencies' it would be towards
the one on the right, but that wouldn't be 'Right'.
Originally Posted by Winky
Bishy I personally equate homosexuality WITH pedophilia
there is no denying
both are sexually deviant behaviors
if we are prepared to accept the former
why not the latter?

You can as easily equate heterosexuality with pedophilia...actually more so. More than 80% of victims of child molestation are girls..and they're not molested by Lesbians.

Both deviate from the 'norm', as does S&M, bondage, ménage à trois, swinging etc..

I'm surprised that you didn't use the classic smear of equating homosexuality with bestiality. In either case, it's easier to tie in bestialists with pedophiles, because neither involves consenting adults. Perhaps we should stop convicted pedophiles from visiting farms instead...you never know, eh. They might develop an interest in another form of 'kid'
I re-read your post multiple times
I really did try to make some sense of it.
Was it intended to be meaningless
or was that a by-product of your inability
to admit that homosexuality is deviant behavior?
I take issue with 2 things, Winky.

1) Your statement that homosexuality is a deviant behavior*
2) Your statement that since someone is taking part in one deviant behavior, that s/he is also taking part in others.*

*1 - although homosexuality is not the norm statistically, calling it deviant and/or abnormal is a slur. It's been a long time since homosexuality has been removed from the list of sexual deviations and mental illnesses.

*2 - You are attempting to for a lien between homosexuality and pedophilia where none exists. Even statistically speaking, 80% of pedophiles molest children of opposing sex, and of those who molest children of the same sex do not identify themselves as homosexual but choose the child more based on availability rather than their own sexual orientation. You should be more scared of heterosexual couples adopting little girls than of homosexual couples adopting little boys. At least then, statistically speaking, your fears would be well placed.

Make any more sense to you now, Winky?
In number one you ALMOST admitted that homosexuality isn't normal.

In number two you attributed to me something I never stated.

Again, it makes no sense.

So since you already found it necessary to quote my post
(scrolling up is sufficient) I won't try to help you to read.

If you begin to accept deviant behavior
then you can not object to deviant behaviors.

It is a typical Liberal dilemma we on the right do not suffer from
(Liberalism IS a mental disorder)
there is not a gray area, its the difference between right and wrong.

If you attempt to equate a heterosexual couple that adopts a child
with a deviant homosexual couple then you find yourself all confused.

Homo's shouldn't be allowed to adopt, just as the universe has decreed
they can't procreate due to the widdle fact that it takes two members
of the opposite sex to do that. (lezbo’s get a donor)

Back in the day out of wedlock birth was frowned upon
but no more, another one of those things
“It's been a long time since out of wedlock birth has been removed
from the list of things that society frowns upon”.

It is all so simple but so confusing to a disordered mind.

This whole thread isn’t about anything but pedophilia
regardless of sexual orientation.

Lets get the Gay Marriage thing goin’ on and let em adopt
whomever they durned well please.
Let everyone do what ever the hell they want, as long as it
doesn’t directly impact me, who cares!
I'll say it if you prefer. "Homosexuality isn't statistically normal"

Statistically speaking...being American isn't 'normal' either, Winky. After all, you're only make up roughly 5% of the population of the Earth...that's a pretty wide deviation from the norm. Chances are that it's more normal to be homosexual than to be American. :shrug: (Let's not get into a link war over this - let's say that between 3-7% of people are homosexual.)

I personally equate homosexuality WITH pedophilia

Both are deviations as per that statement, right? As deviations, they must therefore be wrong so why compile one deviation with another potential deviation...

so don't let homosexual couples (obvious deviants) adopt and thus expose the kids with another potential deviation (pedophilia)..even though there's no link between homosexuality and pedophilia other than the fact that you consider both 'wrong'?

..and you're using the biological argument now? Biology decrees that they can't have kids so they shouldn't be allowed to adopt either. Pray tell, how many couples who aren't infertile adopt?

If you begin to accept deviant behavior
then you can not object to deviant behaviors.

There's the slippery slope you Cons love so much. That all encompassing line between right and wrong is being pushed in the wrong direction and then you have TEOTWAWKI!!