What is your opinion of Microsoft

PT said:
The last install I did it took me a couple days to get the video drivers installed, a task that would take an 8 year old 5 minutes on a windows machine.
if you sit an 8 year old down in front of a windows system, assuming they've never used windows, it'll take them just as long. configuring my video in linux requires changing one line in a config file and sending a sig HUP to x-windows. i would argue that it's just as easy to do almost any task on either system, it's just a matter of experience, and to some extent, what flavor of what OS you're talking about.

Luis said:
One thing i dislike about Linux is the fonts, i hate them, all webpages look fucking ugly, even if i import windows fonts and set the browser to use them, all pages suck.
the default fonts generally do suck, but there are ways to get better looking fonts just as there are with windows.

PT said:
I really didn't intend for this to be a Linux vs Windows thread, but I should have known it would go that way.
Don't forget what website you're posting at :D;)
tommyj27 said:
the default fonts generally do suck, but there are ways to get better looking fonts just as there are with windows.

By all means, PLEASE, tell me whats your font config for Mozilla/Netscape under linux.
i sorta have that elementary school veiw on girls thing

'cant live with them, cant live without them'
rrfield said:
I can't wait for the next TV campaign...a teenaged girl, probably 15 or 16, sitting on a couch with a laptop running Windows XP, surfing the internet via a Microsoft wireless access point, using Internet Explorer. A boy around the same age enteres the room. He pans the room, takes note of his surroundings and sits next to the girl. He leans over, kisses her and starts to undo her blouse. Cut to black. Girl says "wait..." in a dazed voice. Announcer voices over, "So, Microsoft products are harlmess? Microsoft impares your judgement. Please kids, be Microsoft Free." Paid for by the Partnership for a Microsoft Free America.
Bahahahaha! :rofl4: Nice one Rich. :beerbang:

When most people think of buggy MS operating systems, they think of 95, 98 and ME. These were crap and should never have been released, I agree. NT/2000/XP on the other hand are all solid, stable OS's, IMHO.
All are equally unstable in my experience, and for some of the same reasons. 9x used to run out of memory quicker though. I'd have the computer up for about a week (and in that week, have opened and closed maybe a few hundred browser windows) and suddenly everything would start going nuts and trying to stay on top of all the other windows, at the same time. On 2k, this doesn't happen very often unless I keep more than about 25 windows open at the same time. (Especially when one or more of them is, e.g. Mozilla, Acrobat Reader, Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro) Regardless, it does still happen and it pisses me off to no end when I'm working on stuff and then just like that will not be able to save it because Windows doesn't have good enough resource management to handle this many windows. (suddenly 512 mb seems like 512 kb). Windows XP went out the window pretty quickly for me too, it was the same situation I was in with 2k except worse. About the only redeeming features that I found useful out of it were the taskbar button sorting (NOT the grouping, ugh) and the font anti-aliasing.

Seems to me that among geek cliques, it's "cool" and "hip" to hate Microsoft. I have yet to be convinced that Microsoft is any different from any other corportation in the USA and that they are experiencing the same backlash any huge company experiences.

Sure, I'd hate any company that invades my privacy and sells operating systems that forces their users to install specific applications on their computer in order for the OS to work ;)
Nihilistic said:
i sorta have that elementary school veiw on girls thing

'cant live with them, cant live without them'
What makes you think that view changes as you get older? :lol:
Love hate relationship. Work and living demands i be familar with MS products and some such as win 2K i respect as an OS big time and others such as Win ME and to an extent XP i see as eye candy for the masses and rather bad ideas.
I recently upgraded two of my machines to XP Pro and one has Office XP Pro. I'm pretty happy with XP but it seems XP has forgotten how to close it's own MS programs. Everytime I logoff or shutdown, it tells me to close Outlook first....then logoff/shutdown. Why can't XP close Outlook?
I just had to repair 2 systems with XP pro on them.
What a damn headache. I had to replace the mobos
and xp definitely does not like that.
After 2 days of backing-up reconfiguring, and 'trying' to repair,
reinstall, and patch, I finally got it. :cuss:

I agree with chcr, I use RedHat 9 (Shrike), and it's way better.