What kind of pets do you have?


Well-Known Member
One dog. Part chesapeake bay retriever Part chocolate lab. Killed the last two fish i had so none of them for awile.
None, decided not to get another dog after my German Shepard died :crying4: RIP Rambo :crying4:
Three dogs, all mutts, two cats, two fish at the moment, but that could change anytime.
i now have 3 cats (no special breeds :) just cute to me.) and at least until this evening, i have 2 dogs (a chihuahua and a retriever/sheltie mix)....tonight the chihuahua goes to her new home...i can't be taking all these critters my husband gets us stuck with....i am definitely keeping mozart and hermione...i may keep jonesy.
2 Cats - Tigger and Nickedemus (brother and sister.....tigger is a tabby, nick is pure black) 4 yrs old. Pains in the derriere.
I've a black and white 'tuxedo' cat - Jane, about three and a half years old now.

A blue and red betta fish named Fluffy after fury. :D

the husband has a cute little solid black pug/daschund puppy, Lucy who is three months yesterday.

Oh, and I have a husband, 27 years old. This pet is the hardest to maintain - the cat can take care of herself, but the husband ... *shakes head*

4 cats (Ginger, Seven, Tarzan and Bishop), about 8 fish now, but more soon... 1,525,037 dust mites all named Fred :rofl:
2 cats; manx Frankie, small and energetic at 12. Calico Patches, fat and lazy, mouthy as hell, but loveable all the same., around 10.

3 dogs; All lab mixes. Emmy Lou, big black mom dog, in charge of security and eating table scraps. (Note that Frankie likes sleeping on Emmy) Crystal, looks like a small golden retriever (small being a relative term as she is still quite adept at cold nose proctology), sweetest personality of the bunch but an obedience problem. Carly, black, looks like a border collie more than like Emmy and Crystal although Emmy is mom to both (same litter too, her only one). Carly is the most hyper dog I've ever owned. I honestly believe a Jack Russell would take one look at her and say "calm down." She'll jump four feet in the air each time she sees you but she's the most obedient of the bunch. Go figure. :shrug:
Several dogs owned by neighbors wander free in our community. A couple of them stop by and hang out for a day or two before wandering off to stay at somebody else's place for a while. Ely the Wonder Dawg is more or less mine. He's a poigle.

I had 15 goats until Gonz ate one of them. :p

A lady at work raises zebra finches, and she brings a pair of them to the office every now and then. They are really kewl little birds, they don't screech, they just go "peep peep peep". I'm thinking about buying a pair of them from her. Anybody who has advice about such birds, please feel free to share. :)
Sharky said:
A lady at work raises zebra finches, and she brings a pair of them to the office every now and then. They are really kewl little birds, they don't screech, they just go "peep peep peep". I'm thinking about buying a pair of them from her. Anybody who has advice about such birds, please feel free to share. :)

we started with 2 of them. we made the mistake of putting a nest in the cage. we maxed out at 15. down to the last 3. we've had them about 5 years now IIRC. they get respiratory infections real easy especially if it gets cold. it shouldnt be a problem for you in FLA. they are very easy to care for otherwise.
Spot said:
we started with 2 of them. we made the mistake of putting a nest in the cage. we maxed out at 15. down to the last 3. we've had them about 5 years now IIRC. they get respiratory infections real easy especially if it gets cold. it shouldnt be a problem for you in FLA. they are very easy to care for otherwise.

You had 15 of them all at the same time? Wow, that sounds like a handful to care for. Do they make a big mess? That was one of the things I was worried about, because I'm a neat freak, and don't want to have to be constantly cleaning up after them. Aside from the expected cage-bottom cleaning. You know how some birds like to fling seeds out of the cage, etc.? That's what I don't want to deal with.
Sharky said:
You had 15 of them all at the same time? Wow, that sounds like a handful to care for. Do they make a big mess? That was one of the things I was worried about, because I'm a neat freak, and don't want to have to be constantly cleaning up after them. Aside from the expected cage-bottom cleaning. You know how some birds like to fling seeds out of the cage, etc.? That's what I don't want to deal with.

we bought a thing that fits on the bottom of the cage. it has elastic bands on the top and bottom edges and its made from a mesh material. keeps almost all the seed husks inside the cage.
Spot said:
we bought a thing that fits on the bottom of the cage. it has elastic bands on the top and bottom edges and its made from a mesh material. keeps almost all the seed husks inside the cage.

Great idea! I'll have to remember that. I guess my next step is to see if I can strike a deal with Bennie to buy a pair of her birds. Thanks, Dave! :cool: