What kinds of threads do you like?

What type of thread do you prefer?

  • Fluff Threads

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • Jokes

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • News

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • Serious

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • "Them's fighting words" threads

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Sex

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • 10k post threads

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Lifestyles

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Entertainment

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Technical

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
SOme people avoid the Real World because it's filled with serious threads. SOme hate fluffy threads. Some prefer jokes, some news etc...

What do you prefer?
this is a great thread bish, i often see at other sites inflamatory post aboot our site here. that most only care about count and not intellegence when it comes to posting. I personally dont believe that and think if thats all they took from a visit, they just were looking for that type of post.
I mean it IS off topic. its about everything. i like the mixture of post we have, and if i think its something im not really interested in i may open to get a peek.
but i have been seeing more post about how there is no substance here.
Unfortunately its members here posting it at other sites. I think its what YOU make it personally. If you feel there isnt any, ADD it yourself dont whine about it. or visit other forums here besides the kiddie corner and you may be plesantly surprised.
I like the threads where it feels like Im having a good dinner conversation with friends. That falls neither into fluff nor 'fighting'. Its just a nice flowing exchange of ideas laced with wit, jabs, drama, and KY jelly.
i enjoy all kinds. i like teh serious threads for debates or to learn something new. the fluff or joke threads are fun too
i like threads that make me happy. i don't really feel the need to get involved in discussions of a political or religious nature. i tend to want to escape the depression that these topics generally bring. i love to laugh. i am not a huge fan of fluff but i like it better than a discussion on gun control. i'm a simple person and i just want to be happy.

unclehobart said:
Its just a nice flowing exchange of ideas laced with wit, jabs, drama, and KY jelly.
Good answer, unc. Now, please don't sit so close...
So many categories I had to pick several.

My favorite are in this order

1) Jokes
2) Hobbies ( I love to hear about what people spend their extra time doing-Im working on a salt water fish thread for this weekend trying to get some good pictures).
4)Threads like this one where surprise response like Tonks make me unexpectedly laugh and spill my drink.
samcurry said:
this is a great thread bish, i often see at other sites inflamatory post aboot our site here. that most only care about count and not intellegence when it comes to posting. I personally dont believe that and think if thats all they took from a visit, they just were looking for that type of post.
I mean it IS off topic. its about everything. i like the mixture of post we have, and if i think its something im not really interested in i may open to get a peek.
but i have been seeing more post about how there is no substance here.
Unfortunately its members here posting it at other sites. I think its what YOU make it personally. If you feel there isnt any, ADD it yourself dont whine about it. or visit other forums here besides the kiddie corner and you may be plesantly surprised.

I stay away from the Real World as a rule, it takes a certain strength to take part in that forum and not be reduced to a quivering mass in a corner and I'm just not that strong. :D

Sammy, you already know what I think about the spam, fluff threads and the cutesy banter lately. You're right, it is the members that are in control of that. And that is what a majority of the members want right now. So people like me who don't want that are quite outnumbered. You'll notice I do post in subjects that may interest me or start threads here and there. I'm not just sitting back and bitching about it. But after making an effort for a while that gets you nowhere, why keep trying? I guess you don't, and you just quietly go about your business.

As far as other members who trash this place every chance they get, (I have never done so so I don't think you're referring to me) they can always stop coming back. Unless they *need* more material to complain about and then they'll come back again and again to the place that they hate. They should question whether this place really sucks or whether they really need to *think* this place sucks and whine about it for their own self gratification or feeling of superiority. With some people, there's a pattern those are the ones who should be ignored. Otherwise, you're only giving them what they want, right? We've seen this before. And we'll see it again.

Btw, nice to see you posting. ;) You need to do some more of that too you know. :D
Everything but sports threads. Every time i see a football my eyes water up and i get this terrible rash. Yuck.

Edit: I must be on drugs or something. My grammar sucks.
Kawaii said:
Everything but sports threads. Every time a see a football me eyes water up and i get this terrible rash. Yuck.

What about if it were posted this way?

"Who is better looking? Howie Long or Steve Young?"

:D Sorry I know that was sexist :D
AnomalousEntity said:
What about if it were posted this way?

"Who is better looking? Howie Long or Steve Young?"

:D Sorry I know that was sexist :D
i have the total hots for him.....