paul_valaru said:I got a new scary one, though it doesn't beat IRS
a building enviromental report, the highlights:
buried fuel tanks
no sprinklers (required by law)
coal in the roofing material
HomeLAN said:Don't know how things are in Canada, but down here that would involve the EPA and state EPD. That's about on a par with the revenooers.
PuterTutor said:Nah, about the only thing that scares me more than the IRS is OSHA. OSHA makes the IRS look like weenies.
PuterTutor said:Occupational Safety and Health Agency. They can shut down a business in less than a minute.
AlphaTroll said:Hmmm, come to think of it, there's a lot of things they can get fined for when I leave, OHSA, Banking Code of Practice, Money Laundering Control.....ah well, not my problem anymore
paul_valaru said:banking, money laundering.
I got those too!
Do I even want to know what a sacrum is?compressed nerve in the sacrum
Lowest part of the back going into the tailbone.PuterTutor said:Do I even want to know what a sacrum is?
paul_valaru said:I work for a stock broker, and also manage properties
the broker pasrt has so many rules we where fined $10,000 for a slight mis-print in an ad, we said stocks, and insurance in the same radio spot
we sell both, but you can't say both at once, stupid rules