what the knob is going on?


New Member
so - wtf?

where are the shroomed one (Prof), Unc the steamboat King, and Tonks, the legendary icelandic crooner?

I know not what goes - but fuck - you guys sort it out and get back on with us all here when ye can - you hear?

...and while i am at it - where's the one and only BoP? Missed ya, babe!

Best BB :)
More like Soap...
Since the argument was stated in a public (AKA non-bomb shelter and non-mod forum) forum, I feel I can state what happened.

Unc and Tonks live together but aren't married. They've been under that arrangement for a few years and it works fine for them. Prof has been needling them about not being married... apparently for a long time. It finally reached the breaking point last week.

Prof's name showed up under "visited today" at Cat's forum yesterday and tonks left feedback for a buyer at ebay today.
We didn't figure that they were dead or anything...Hell, I would've missed it entirely is unc hadn't messaged me on KoC to let me know that something had happened.
Unc and Tonks live together but aren't married. They've been under that arrangement for a few years and it works fine for them. Prof has been needling them about not being married... apparently for a long time. It finally reached the breaking point last week.

Being in a somewhat similar situation to Unc and Tonks I'd like to say more about this but I'm going to just simplify it to "mind your own business".