What was the most important day on your life so far?

You too huh Scanty? For me it was kind of a non-event. I'd thought about it for years. It wasn't until i was watching bookTv one day on c-span that a certain author convinced me that if i thought i could, then i should just do it and that i wouldn't regret it. I'm about 10% into my first and i have two others planned already. I figure my first will be ready within about two years.
After careful consideration, I would say nothing impacted my life more than that day I got my own passport. It opened a whole new world to me :) Through the years I filled two passports and I own three valid passports at this moment.
It was really silly... In Saudi Arabia they have these Mattawas that are a kind of religious police. Translated it really means "protectors of the faith". They kind of go around and make sure Muslims do what good Muslims are supposed to do, and have nothing to do with foreigners that are not Muslim (like us).

Well, it was Friday prayer time and we were on the surface level of a building. All commercial transactions are prohibited during this time. They also consider the surface level of a building to be used for commercial purposes...

We weren't doing any commercial business, and fuck it, they had to burst through the door. My mom was there, fully clothed like required with the veil etc. That halted them in their tracks, because it is very, very rude to be in the presence of another man's wife.

Anyways, the asked my dad if this is his family. He replied yes, and they quizzed him a bit. Then they arrest us two (not my mom). I was 16 at that time and subject to the religious code. This should NEVER happen since Mattawas are NOT supposed to go after non Muslims.

Anyways they took us to a dirty little building they call their headquaters... It is really a house. The four bedrooms are "jails" and the living room is the "court". They didn't know we can speak Arabic at this point. lol.

Anyways, they gave us this silly hearing, and decided they are going to give us 5 canes for breaking the law. My dad wasn't going to go for that though. I don't think he really minded it himself, but he was protecting me. So, we kinda got into a little brawl... Destroyed a bit of furniture here and there, etc... (My dad was an engineer for the military at that time, and pretty strong...) We then started shouting in Arabic how Mohammed preached love, kindness, and acceptance of other people... It kinda annoyed the Mattawas and even stunned some of them into silence but at that moment our government contact arrived... thanks@mom for calling in!

I hate that place. lol. Don't go there.
What did your dad do in the military? Why were you in Saudi Arabia? It's one of the countries i'd really like to know more about. I hear accounts in the news constantly but never first hand. Do you think they are jew haters? American haters? Did it feel like a third world country or do they seem intelligent but radically religous?
HeXp£Øi± said:
What did your dad do in the military?
He worked on missile systems.

Why were you in Saudi Arabia?
Military stuff... I don't know anything else, my dad can't even tell me.

It's one of the countries i'd really like to know more about. I hear accounts in the news constantly but never first hand. Do you think they are jew haters? American haters?

Haters? Hm not as is, but they are not fond of us. BTW their entire military network is of Israeli origin... but shh, its a secret... (I'm NOT kidding you!)

Did it feel like a third world country or do they seem intelligent but radically religous?

Third world in most places, OK on the army base, not a place where I want to live. Radical? Yes most sure. I've all but forgot this incident, and only recalled it now that I read it in my journal. I was so scared that day like you wouldn't believe. :(
A large part of their communication network (this is what I remember faintly) was shipped through different countries. It was made in Israel with a label "Made in Egypt". I do not know the motive or reasons behind this. I can ask my dad if you are interested :)
If you happen to think about it yes i would be interested. Ironic how similear this sounds to Israels sister country America, and how we(America) funded many of our enemies.
HeXp£Øi± said:
You too huh Scanty? For me it was kind of a non-event. I'd thought about it for years. It wasn't until i was watching bookTv one day on c-span that a certain author convinced me that if i thought i could, then i should just do it and that i wouldn't regret it. I'm about 10% into my first and i have two others planned already. I figure my first will be ready within about two years.

That's cool. I've planning mine for 2 years, but I just wanna get on and write it. It takes a long time though cos it'll be a series or a trilogy. Children's books.

So what type of books are you writing?
I don't know what you'd call the current book i'm writing. In it's current form it's a cross between philosophic & scientific views on the world. I'd have to think longer on just how to classify it.