Whatcha cookin'?

Crackers and mustard? bah! .. too complicated! I'll just keep on sucking down ramen seasoning packets as a food substitute.
OOOOH! See those round whitish crackers at the bottom? I love those. I like summer sausage with a nice sharp cheddar or a pepper cheese...or a nice smoked gouda :licklips:
Sausage cheese crackers is teh roxor. Coronary disease in the palm of your hand.

*wanders into kitchen to slice a slab off
I made a beef stew-y dish called Mexi Texi Pedazos, which for all intents and purposes resembles a southwestern beef stroganoff without the mushrooms. I served it with the left over spinach and rice casserole.
I made a real simple honey mustard chicken

Equal parts honey and mustard, baste onto boneless chicken breast, put under broiler.
We made homemade Cream of Mushroom soup for dinner to go along with a nice sourdough loaf from Panera.
That sounds awesome! The wife is working tonight so I'm on my own for dinner. Store-brand cream of mushroom soup with the butts of the whitebread! YES!
It was awesome but it gave me gas.
Tonight I am making a potato and spinach bake with the remnants of the soup to go along with some beef.
P-Nut had already eaten when I picked her up at my grandparents house, so I had popcorn and orange juice for dinner. Tonight I am making beef stew.
Homemade bread, and cheese (cheddar, pecorino, camembert) w/ honey melon for last night's tea, tonight it'll be stuffed pasta shells (thanks les!).
It was awesome but it gave me gas.
Tonight I am making a potato and spinach bake with the remnants of the soup to go along with some beef.

Well, it was very nice. Harry's was having a special on "fajita meat" (skirt steak) and I marinated it in olive oil, garlic, ginger, jalapeno paste, cilanto and oregano and added some clementine juice to the pan midway. I served it with the before mentioned potatoes and the remnants of an olive foccacia and a nice red zinfandel from Abundance Vineyards (of which I probably had a half a glass too much and am finishing the rest of that glass now ;) ).