Whatever happened to...

I can't take that as anything but a joke. Hold politicians accountable for lying? Next you'll want lawyers to have ethics or something.

We the People...

It says it all, doesn't it. Yet, we have decided to allow hypocritical. lying, thieving assholes run our courts & our government instead of putting them face down in teh gutter, where they belong.

I think it's possible to take back our country. If only the lawyers would get out of the way & the people would wake the fuck up.
If only the lawyers would get out of the way & the people would wake the fuck up.

the somnambulist masses will need those lawyers, to articulate the demands that their dumb asses can't.

what am i talking about?

there is no such thing as the masses.

or, rather, you are the masses. me too.

hmmm... i wonder which it is...
spike, when they get charged with crimes, let me know. Until then, keep fishing.

It says it all, doesn't it. Yet, we have decided to allow hypocritical. lying, thieving assholes run our courts & our government instead of putting them face down in teh gutter, where they belong.

Talking out of both sides of your mouth in consecutive posts! Wow, a new low.
They haven't been charged. There is nothing to charge them with. Therefor, no crime.

Pelosi, on the other hand...however, in the interest of bi-partisanship *puke nothing will be said.
We the People...

When that particular document was written, "We the people" actually referred to we, the white, landowning men.

As I've often said before, I didn't make it but I try to live in the real world. Yes, we can reclaim America but you know as well as I that we won't.
If each of us does, then we can. The lowest common denominator is not the best one.
Anyways, perhaps Gonz is on to something...

Nobody noticed the Logan Act but me, eh?

The Logan Act § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Now comes the interesting part...Since a law was broken, should Nancy Pelosi be arrested?

Gotholic...a source for the Logan act and why the act was necessary...

After the unsuccessful envoys returned from France, Dr. George Logan, a
Philadelphia Quaker, a doctor, and a Republican, decided to attempt on his own to
settle the controversies. Bearing a private certificate of citizenship from his friend,
Thomas Jefferson, who at the time was Vice President, Logan sailed for France on
June 12, 1798. In France he was hailed by the newspapers as the envoy of peace and
was received by Talleyrand. The French Directory, having concluded that it was
politically wise to relax tensions with the United States, issued a decree raising the
embargo on American merchant ships and freed American ships and seamen.
Logan, however, received a less friendly response from the United States after
he returned. Secretary of State Pickering told him that the French decree was
illusory. General Washington expressed his disapproval of Logan’s actions.
President Adams recommended that Congress take action to stop the “temerity and
impertinence of individuals affecting to interfere in public affairs between France and
the United States.”4 Representative Roger Griswold of Connecticut introduced a
resolution in Congress to prevent actions similar to Logan’s:

found here.
And from the Syrians...

"There was a feeling this visit had more to do with domestic politics than us. If she isn't going to be very different from Bush, then why did she come?" asked Jihad Yaziji in The Syria Report.

Kind of hypocritical for Pelosi, a Catholic, given the fact that the introit chant for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist is, "The Lord has called me by name from the womb of my mother", yet, she is for abortion.
Where's the hypocrisy?

She is visiting the tomb of John the Baptist because of his significance. He was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb, which shows that people are individual persons apart from their mother's womb (he is to my knowledge the only saint in which the Catholic Church celebrates his nativity). I'm not sure she realized that what the Gospels say about him conflict with her stance on abortion - that is why it was "kind of hypocritical".

And I am almost certain Pelosi does not wear a veil while she attends a Catholic Church, yet, she chooses to follow Muslim rules.
I can wear a hat at some bars here and not others. If I go along with the dress code am I a hypocrit? :laugh:

She is suppose to wear a veil while in a Catholic Church. If she does not wear a veil then why wear one in a mosque? Political gain.

And facetious too.
She is visiting the tomb of John the Baptist because of his significance. He was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb, which shows that people are individual persons apart from their mother's womb (he is to my knowledge the only saint in which the Catholic Church celebrates his nativity). I'm not sure she realized that what the Gospels say about him conflict with her stance on abortion - that is why it was "kind of hypocritical".

That's a gigantic stretch you've made there to try and find fault. People who aren't even christian visit that site without being kind of hypocritical.

She is suppose to wear a veil while in a Catholic Church. If she does not wear a veil then why wear one in a mosque? Political gain.

And facetious too.

I'm not sure what political gain you get from wearing a scarf or that most catholics would agree with your stance on veils.

I think you're being facetious.

OMG! Laura Bush wore a some cloth on her head too! Let's get way too uptight about it.


Woah! Her too.

That's a gigantic stretch you've made there to try and find fault. People who aren't even christian visit that site without being kind of hypocritical.

I do not need to stretch anything to find a fault. She is already a hypocrite by supporting abortion. I was just pointing out an underlying subtle observance that many would not recognize here.

I'm not sure what political gain you get from wearing a scarf or that most catholics would agree with your stance on veils.

Respecting/observing Muslims rules is a good precept for engaging in political talks with Muslim leaders in their own country as it is with all foreign relations. But when your share a similar rule and do not follow it in your own church, it negates the act itself when you try to "observe" it some place else.

It is like if Pelosi thinks it is wrong and demeaning for women to wear a veil in a Catholic Church, but then why would she observe the rule in a Muslim mosque in Syria? Clearly, it is just for show to make her look good through Muslim eyes, which makes her facetious.

I think you're being facetious.

You really just cannot come up with your own constructive criticism.

Oh, and I'm as facetious as you are creative.

OMG! Laura Bush wore a some cloth on her head too! Let's get way too uptight about it.


Woah! Her too.


Your point is moot. None of them are Catholic.
I do not need to stretch anything to find a fault. She is already a hypocrite by supporting abortion. I was just pointing out an underlying subtle observance that many would not recognize here.

You have yet to point out the hypocrisy.

Respecting/observing Muslims rules is a good precept for engaging in political talks with Muslim leaders in their own country as it is with all foreign relations. But when your share a similar rule and do not follow it in your own church, it negates the act itself when you try to "observe" it some place else.

The vast majority of catholic churches do not require women to wear any particular headwear. If you know the rules in the particular church she attends please link them.

It is like if Pelosi thinks it is wrong and demeaning for women to wear a veil in a Catholic Church, but then why would she observe the rule in a Muslim mosque in Syria? Clearly, it is just for show to make her look good through Muslim eyes, which makes her facetious.

I don't see any reference to her stating that wearing a veil in a catholic church is wrong and demeaning. Until you can provide a link to the quote where she said that you are being facetious.

You really just cannot come up with your own constructive criticism.

Yes, take this as constructive criticism-> The points you are trying to make are based on unfounded assumptions about her thoughts and motives. Please stick to facts.

Your point is moot. None of them are Catholic.

Catholic has nothing to do with it.
you'll have to forgive me if i skim thru this thread and think- is this a fashion thread or what?

Loads of middle-aged birds in scarfs and hats?????

sorry - haven't the time nor patience at he mo' ... :hmm:
You have yet to point out the hypocrisy.

I did you just failed to see it. Let me be more clear...

Back in 2002 on the Today Show, Nancy Pelosi said, "When people call me a liberal, I call myself a conservative Catholic".

She is for abortion and she professes to be Catholic! It is categorically impossible be Catholic and support abortion - therein lies the hypocrisy. Her voting record proves she supports abortion.

The vast majority of catholic churches do not require women to wear any particular headwear. If you know the rules in the particular church she attends please link them.

No, the vast majority of Catholic Churches do not enforce the requirement (which is a problem in itself). Pelosi attends a Catholic Church - all Catholic Churches are under Canon Law.

It is like if Pelosi thinks it is wrong and demeaning for women to wear a veil in a Catholic Church, but then why would she observe the rule in a Muslim mosque in Syria? Clearly, it is just for show to make her look good through Muslim eyes, which makes her facetious.
I don't see any reference to her stating that wearing a veil in a catholic church is wrong and demeaning. Until you can provide a link to the quote where she said that you are being facetious.

I said, "It is like". I never claimed she said those words. I would have been assuming, not being facetious.

You really just cannot come up with your own constructive criticism.
Yes, take this as constructive criticism-> The points you are trying to make are based on unfounded assumptions about her thoughts and motives. Please stick to facts.

Well, that is a start.

The only assumption I am making is that she does not wear a veil in a Catholic Church. As to why she does not, I can only speculate. My assumption, however, is not unfounded since she does not follow her faith in a more serious manner anyways, such as being against abortion. Not wearing a veil is not as grave as being pro-choice. She also receives the Eucharist when she is not suppose to either (you cannot receive it under mortal sin, which is a grave matter).

Your point is moot. None of them are Catholic.
Catholic has nothing to do with it.

It has everything to do with it.

She is a Catholic who attends a Catholic Church, which has the rule that women are supposed to wear veils. Laura Bush is a Methodist, and Condoleeza Rice is a Presbyterian. To my knowledge, none of their churches require women to wear veils.

My point, if you still cannot see it, is that Pelosi respects/observes foreign faiths while not respecting her own.