She is for abortion and she professes to be Catholic! It is categorically impossible be Catholic and support abortion - therein lies the hypocrisy. Her voting record proves she supports abortion.
Actually I bet most catholics don't agree with the official church view on everything 100%. Especially the more No, the vast majority of Catholic Churches do not enforce the requirement (which is a problem in itself).ridiculous things. So it's not only very possible it happens quite a lot->
Catholics are free to decide on many things themselves, however, abortion is not one of them. It strictly goes against the Fifth Commandment, which prohibits murder, and abortion is a subset of murder.
In regards to that "Catholic" site, those who run that site are not Catholic, but wolves in sheep clothing. This reminds me of a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, "How many tails does a dog have if you call a tail a leg? Four, because calling a tail a leg does not make it one".
Some facts about CFFC:
- It is reliant on funding from the Ford Foundation, Playboy Foundation and other organisations who oppose the Catholic Church’s teachings on sexuality
- Its president, Frances Kissling, long ago excommunicated herself from the Catholic Church for illegally operating abortion clinics overseas
- One of Kissling’s longtime associates, Marjorie Reiley Maguire, has testified that none of those active in CFFC attend Mass
- Kissling has expressly stated (in a Mother Jones interview) that her goal is to "overthrow" the Catholic Church
- Catholic bishops have twice condemned the group for falsely describing itself as Catholic
No, the vast majority of Catholic Churches do not enforce the requirement (which is a problem in itself).
Good, it's pretty silly. I bet the vast majority don't even encourage it.
I wonder if you think the Hindu women who wear a dot on their forehead are being pretty silly? I know that those who wear them do not share that same sentiment with you, and neither do those Catholic women who still wear veils in Church. You criticize that which you do not understand.
Oh, and the reason why the veil requirement is not enforced is because many believe it is no longer a requirement (just like it is believed the not eating meat on every Friday is no longer required), which is an issue the Vatican needs to address.
I said, "It is like". I never claimed she said those words. I would have been assuming, not being facetious.
Both. As you are "
concerned with something nonessential".
No, I'm quite serious regardless if you think it is nonessential.
if Pelosi thinks it is wrong and demeaning for women to wear a veil in a Catholic Church
Why even speculate this? You have no idea. Seems far more likely that her church simply has no such requirement and that there's a pretty good chance none of the other women that attend her church were a veil.
Her Church has that requirement since it is Catholic, but just probably does not enforce it. But I'm not criticizing her strictly for that one issue (most woman do not follow that requirement mainly due to innocent ignorance). She does support abortion, which is inherently anti-Catholic.
She also receives the Eucharist when she is not suppose to either (you cannot receive it under mortal sin, which is a grave matter).
Grave matter to you maybe. What's her mortal sin now?
It is a grave matter to the Church...
Catechism of the Catholic Church
2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.
God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.
1395 By the same charity that it enkindles in us, the Eucharist preserves us from future mortal sins. The more we share the life of Christ and progress in his friendship, the more difficult it is to break away from him by mortal sin. The Eucharist is not ordered to the forgiveness of mortal sins - that is proper to the sacrament of Reconciliation. The Eucharist is properly the sacrament of those who are in full communion with the Church.
She is a Catholic who attends a Catholic Church, which has the rule that women are supposed to wear veils. Laura Bush is a Methodist, and Condoleeza Rice is a Presbyterian. To my knowledge, none of their churches require women to wear veils.
I bet Pelosi's church does not require it either and most or all of the women that attend her church do not where veils.
For the last time, her Church has that requirement, but does not enforce it (due to confusion).
Pelosi is a Catholic in a position of authority, and she professes to be a "conservative Catholic". Yet, she is setting a bad example by her actions. Bishops have already condemned her.
My point, if you still cannot see it, is that Pelosi respects/observes foreign faiths while not respecting her own.
Or she respects her own faith far more than foreign faiths yet disagree with you on a couple points.
Abortion is a major point.