What's changed?


New Member
What's changed since you joined OTC?

OTC came into existence in April of 2002, many of us are still around since the beginning (albeit scarcely sometimes)... So much has changed in our own lives and this online community of ours.

When did you join OTC and what's changed in your life (or OTC's life) since?

For the old-old timers, what's changed since you joined HWC, JJR or Xi?
My baby started junior kindergarten, my parents moved far away, my marriage first dissolved and then split up entirely, I moved house...absolutely everything has changed.
greenfreak said:
What's changed since you joined OTC?

For the old-old timers, what's changed since you joined HWC, JJR or Xi?

joined HwC in 2000...in those 4 years, everything has changed. online life brought a lot of bad shit, and also a lot of good things. travelled quite a bit due to 'online' friends. :)
I've watched people come and go, I've managed not to kill my husband after just a few years of marriage, I've gotten to know some great people.
Well, I joined HWC in June of 2000 (had to look :D). Before that I was a member at the 32bit.com forums, so my forum f\days date back to the start of 2000.

Since then, I've been promoted twice at work, my salary has basically doubled, I've upgraded my personal computers twice, and, by far the most important, I've had a son.

That last thing sorta changes EVERYTHING else.
I joined JJRs about 8 months or so before it dissolved into the mist, and got dragged on here in March of last year.

Since then, my son turned two...I've been actually getting work as a graphic designer, and I've pretty much succesfully expanded my mind without chemical additives. OTC helped do that for me. I'm more Moderate than I used to be, and have a whole whack more friends.
Thanks OTC
I joined HWC in Apr 2000, then joined JJR on Apr 2001, and OTC on Apr 2002 :eek13:

Since 2000 many things have changed in my life, first I managed to get out of depression, second I finished college and now i'm studying to get the masters.

I've learnt A LOT from people's experiences and advices posted here.
My english improved as well :D
I've made many internet-friendships, and even thou I'm not online as often as I used to I still chat with most of them from time to time.
i joined OTC in july of '03. my babies have grown into children, my marriage mercifully ended amicably, i met an outstanding guy, i moved, i got a job, i met some amazing people. been a busy year.
I joined may of last year...since then I have turned to drugs...(ok no I haven't)

I haven't been banned from OTC yet...a miracle in its own right. Otherwise *checks self*....still the same.
I joined HWC in February of 1999, and OTC in April of 2002, so I am an old timer believe it or not. In that time the only major changes for me have been getting my drivers license back, getting into a gnarly wreck and being diagnosed with Diabetes. I have learned a lot about computers over that time as well. I have 2886 posts at HWC. I don't post much there anymore.
hmmmm I joined JJRs and Xi in like Apr or May of 2000 and OTC in apr 2002...Since I first started on the boards I got my first serious bf (the person who got me to sign up...brainsoft)...broke up with him...went through boys a little to haphazardly for awhile...met a new man who is good to me. Let's see, my dad also passed away. I finished highschool and started Civil Engineering in University...this means I move away from home for 8 months a year. I've grown up here...I was a naive, innocent, silly 16 year old when I joined. Now I'm a slightly jaded, sorta experienced, silly 20 year old. :brush:

You guys are so much a part of my life some people think it's weird...but many of you have always been there for me, from day one.
I joined HWC (actually joined a sister site of HWC, VirtualDr first, but didn't stay long there) when I was still in school. I migrated over to JJR's and Xi and here (and another along the way that died and very few of you know about) while in my part time school phase, which didn't go so well. I am now working full time and currently looking to move out and get on with my life...
I remember when I joined HWC...there weren't too many members there...I think it was 1997 or so. I also joined JJR in 1999, and here at OTC in 2002. JJR's site died soon afterward.

Since those halcyon days, I've been divorced, promoted...twice...Been to the Middle East 3 times, counting this time, Spain twice, and the Balkans once. I've also gotten into my current LTR, and have been engaged for 3 years, and hopefully married after I return. In a nutshell...everything has changed.
i joined JJR512.com while on a weekend homevisit from a treatment center.
it was may 2000, soon after the board had started. i was 14. and JJR is my brother, so he was quick to have me join.
i joined otc in december of 2002.

a lot had changed, even from the time i joined jjr to the time i joined otc.
i am no longer in the treatment center. (i was released in september 2000)
i've made friends irl, been thru and graduated public high school, had boyfriends, gotten a job...
pretty neat stuff.
Started with HWC sometime in the first few months of 2000, JJR's in May 2000, and OTC in April 2002.

All I have to do is mention Stephanie to show what's different now than way back then.
I joined OTC a year ago. I was brand-new to the Internet. Not much else has changed, except I got goats. And I recently sold my sailboat, which I had owned since 1984.
I joined HWC in August of 2001 and JJR's 9/1/01, Xi about a year after that, and OTC from the beginning.

I work for the same company although I've been promoted, I'm with the same man, although now we live together... I've become an aunt three times since then, become financially responsible, taken up gardening and photography, made online friends, lost online friends, got a new car, lost 40 pounds, gained 15 of it back.

We all witnessed 9/11; some of us together, some of us and our loved ones on the front lines, we've shared the sorrow of lost friends and family, most recently fury's grandma, Katie, Rusty's grandma, Luis' grandpa, Ash's friend, Leslie's friend and of course, Dan. But we've also shared the births of both Ku'u's children, chcr's granddaughter, Mitchshaft's daughter, Toolbox's son and of course Prof v4.0, 3.0 and possibly even 2.0 (I don't think I was around for that so I don't know).

Whether you think change is good or bad, there's no stopping it. :shrug: :)