What's in a name?

So, we're going to randomly place someones child(ren) in potential jeopardy because someone else thought they were possibly harming them.

The names are stupid. However, they aren't my kids & the parents have a right to incorrectly raise their children. Happens all the time. We need to mind our own business unless there's a significant probability of death, disfigurement or physical abuse.
Wait 'till the kids reach HS and get the snot kicked out of them daily because their parents were too dumb to realize that calling your kid 'Hitler' is a bad idea?

The physical and emotional abuse is what they're most likely looking at. Time will tell what comes out of it.
Does it really take all the way into high school for that stuff to happen up there? It happens a lot earlier down here.
Nah...but in grade school, the ass-kicking you're likely to get doesn't usually leave permanent scars...and grade-school level kids are unlikely to have as deep an understanding of the words "Adolf Hitler", and may not react as...emotionally.
So, the liberals get offended & resort to violence? I thought they were for choice & freedom...
So, the liberals get offended & resort to violence? I thought they were for choice & freedom...
I figure that the most conservative, law-abiding, g_d-fearing Jewish kid out there would resort to violence if faced with that kind of slap in the face daily.
Not too many consevatives say no to violence. It's a tool to be drawn on when needed. Those who teach & preach inclusiveness don't include most.
So you're saying the conservative kids get offended and resort to violence and are not for choice and freedom.
So it's conservative kids with liberal teachers who are the ones we can generalize as getting offended and resorting to violence.
So it's conservative kids with liberal teachers who are the ones we can generalize as getting offended and resorting to violence.

of coarse we can't generalize.
remember, I'm a believer in profiling, and it's about the percentages.

edit: it screws people up some, like I was talking about my ex gf in that other thread,
but to a lesser degree mostly.
You said liberals get offended and resort to violence and then you said conservatives are the ones that don't say no to violence.

Mind nailing down exactly what it is you're trying to say?