What's the deal with drinking?

Maybe i was inaccurate in that statement, but only because it's common to hear people defending their drug habits. But yes, there are people who simply use for recreation, i know many. But those people are the exception not the rule imho.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Maybe i was inaccurate in that statement, but only because it's common to hear people defending their drug habits. But yes, there are people who simply use for recreation, i know many. But those people are the exception not the rule imho.

and what do you base your opinion on? A wild guess?
The possible inaccuracy i was speaking of was your defensiveness.
I base my opinion on the fact that i've spent my entire life around drugs and i know the people that use them.
If you spent your entire life around drugs then I think there might be some other forces at work in your situation...so you probably aren't in a position to make an unbiased evaluation.

Maybe you could address the content of my first response instead of alluding to "red flags" and an intelligent discussion would then ensue.

I in turn will apologize for calling your theories a load of crap and simply say that I don't believe them to be true.
HeXp£Øi± said:
The fact is that if you're a healthy person then you're not going to get the same enjoyment from it. Same goes with drugs. The more unhealthy you are, the more psycologically uncomfortable you become. Alcohol & drugs present an escape or alternate reality. If you are content with reality then you'll find less enjoyment in that false reality. The more psycologically uncomfortable you are the more enjoyment you'll find in that false reality which is an escape from the pain of reality and the more attractive the high becomes.

You're really good at expressing the way I think sometimes Hex. :D

I've never done any drugs other than alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. So I don't know much about the actual habit except what I see in my brother's 20 year addiction. In a way, he did me a favor by turning me off at a very early age.

I've drunk to excess in my teens and early 20's, mostly to be like other people and to have that uninhibited feeling I had when drunk. I've grown up and It doesn't hold any pleasure for me nowadays. The only alcohol I drink now is things that taste good and aren't 'alcoholish'. Like Malibu Rum and Pineapple juice, but never straight stuff like vodka.
If you spent your entire life around drugs then I think there might be some other forces at work in your situation...so you probably aren't in a position to make an unbiased evaluation.
That was brilliant! How can i possibly argue with that? You must be a writer.
And we shouldn't trust buzz aldrin that the moon isn't made of cheese because he's been there? What a totally absurd statement! I lived the life. I saw it kill people. I watched it turn honest people into liars. I know what healthy people are, and those are the very few whos lives aren't affected by their drug usage. Most peoples lives are affected adversly in some mannor or other. You sound just like every other person who goes into treatment for the first time and tells the drug treatment counselers that they are full of shit and that they don't know what they are talking about.
HeXp£Øi± said:
If you spent your entire life around drugs then I think there might be some other forces at work in your situation...so you probably aren't in a position to make an unbiased evaluation.
That was brilliant! How can i possibly argue with that? You must be a writer.
And we shouldn't trust buzz aldrin that the moon isn't made of cheese because he's been there? What a totally absurd statement! I lived the life. I saw it kill people. I watched it turn honest people into liars. I know what healthy people are, and those are the very few whos lives aren't affected by their drug usage. Most peoples lives are affected adversly in some mannor or other. You sound just like every other person who goes into treatment for the first time and tells the drug treatment counselers that they are full of shit and they don't know what they are talking about.

So I take it you would rather make unwarranted accusations at me than have a intelligent discussion on the matter?

I saw it kill people. I watched it turn honest people into liars. I know what healthy people are, and those are the very few whos lives aren't affected by their drug usage.

I never said that it can't be dangerous, in fact I said it could be dangerous. The fact remains, for every 1 person you find that is a raging alcoholic there are 20 more that have a few beers watching the game with their friends on the weekend without a problem. Therefore your generalization that most people who use alcohol or drugs are unheathy is false.

I lived the life. I saw it kill people.

Well, I've lived a live of fun and moderation, what makes you think yours is the only valid experience?
flavio said:
If you spent your entire life around drugs then I think there might be some other forces at work in your situation...so you probably aren't in a position to make an unbiased evaluation.
However, I AM, and I agree with him completely.
flavio said:
Well, I've lived a live of fun and moderation, what makes you think yours is the only valid experience?
Likewise, what makes you think yours is the only valid experience? By far more people use drugs and drugs for a buzz. What is a buzz? Escape from reality a bit. You feel more relaxed, and so forth. What else is that other than turning to an artificial drug to help you relax?
Now you've shifted this from drugs to alcohol. Alcohol is a drug, but the statistics between Alcohol & drugs are completley different. Are you going to tell me that only one in twenty heroin users is an addict? How about cocaine? Crack? Marijuana? This discussian was not just about Alcohol. And with every breath you defend your position with ferver. I know what my excuse is, what's yours? Why do you care so much?
LastLegionary said:
flavio said:
If you spent your entire life around drugs then I think there might be some other forces at work in your situation...so you probably aren't in a position to make an unbiased evaluation.
However, I AM, and I agree with him completely.

...and your opinion is unbiased because you have no actual experience? That's not really unbiased.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Now you've shifted this from drugs to alcohol. Alcohol is a drug, but the statistics between Alcohol & drugs are completley different. Are you going to tell me that only one in twenty heroin users is an addict? How about cocaine? Crack? Marijuana? This discussian was not just about Alcohol. And with every breath you defend your position with ferver. I know what my excuse is, what's yours? Why do you care so much?

I believe the post was about drinking specifically...thus my focus. I really have no idea what the ratio of casual user to addicts is for heroin, cocaine, or crack. But your first post lumped most alcohol and drug users into a category of unhealthy people. The most glaring example of how your generalization is wrong is the fact that most people who use alcohol are casual users and addicts are a significant but small percentage. I would guess that marijuana users have a similar ratio.

Now...why is it that I need an excuse to disagree with you? I feel that the generalizations that you made are false and I am expressing my personal opinion about the subject. Just as I would if I disagreed with you on religion, politics, music, or fashion sensibilities. I find it odd that you are so offended that anyone would disagree with you.
You know what flavio? Nothing is going to be good enough for you. You've made up your mind already. If you read the very first post over again you'll find he was referring to people who drink to get drunk, not just some guy having a casual beer. I have to go out for dinner now but i will respond when i get back if need be. What do you think i possibly have to benifit by having such beliefs? Do you think i've come to these conclusions for my health? No. Rather i came to understand these ideas and only then did i acquire my health. Maybe there's nothing wrong with you whatsoever. But from my experience non addicts don't even really think about the enjoyment of it. They think about drinking a beer like one does a glass of water. When they walk away from the glass they don't keep thinking, "boy i sure do love those glasses of water". You on the other hand seem to really enjoy it which tells me that you're not satisfied with a reality without drugs. Normal users just don't care so much. Does that mean that you're a complete junkie? No. there are an infinite number of different levels of addiction. The whole problem starts when one decides that drugs are more enjoyable then life. Mountian climbing and all that other stuff you mentioned is great, but it doesn't kill millions of people a year like Alcohol/nicotene/cocaine etc...
All i can say is that it is a strength to know your weakness.
What do you think i possibly have to benifit by having such beliefs?

I don't know what your point is. I'm really just trying to discuss the subject of the thread. Since you have nothing to benefit does that make your opinion right? I have nothing to benefit either.

I am finding it annoying that instead of really discussing my points that you just keep attacking me. It's as if I'm having a debate with Legionary or something.

Typically the way a debate works is something along the lines of:

person 1: Creationism is wrong, Evolution has been proved by Darwin many years ago.

person 2: I disagree Darwins theories have been disproved by Mr. Ed. Check out this site for more information.

But here how the debate with you is going.

me: Creationism is wrong, Evolution has been proved by Darwin many years ago.

you: Your wrong. You obviously worship Satan!
Why don't we just start over from the beginning.
The original post was
Why does everyone I know like to drink to have to fun? I've been drunk before, I've also gotten sick off of drinking, and last year I promised myself I wasn't drinking alcohol again. Still havn't to this day.

So what's the deal with drinking? Why is it considered to be so fun for people?
(so we're talking about getting drunk)

Then I wrote:

The fact is that if you're a healthy person then you're not going to get the same enjoyment from it. Same goes with drugs. The more unhealthy you are, the more psycologically uncomfortable you become. Alcohol & drugs present an escape or alternate reality. If you are content with reality then you'll find less enjoyment in that false reality. The more psycologically uncomfortable you are the more enjoyment you'll find in that false reality which is an escape from the pain of reality and the more attractive the high becomes.

Then you wrote:
No, that's a load of crap. There are many well-adjusted people that are capapble of putting on a buzz and enjoying it. The unhealthy people who become addicts probably aren't enjoying it that much.

As far as alternate realities goes...that's a cheesy overblown misnomer. It should be simply referred to as a different experience. It's not about being content with reality or not...it's more about being interested in new experiences. While some may be content with a reality of sitting in their office chair others may enjoy rock climbing. And drinking/drugs, as with rock climbing, can be enjoyable but can also be very dangerous.

So what is a load of crap? First off the discussion is to describe those people that enjoy drinking a lot. Newsflash** Few Healthy well adjusted people drink to get drunk. They do not drink in excess. Which is why bars aren't filled with healthy people. Yes it is an alternate reality. If you do it to feel good it's because you don't 'feel good' If that isn't altering your reality then i don't know what is. Keep in mind this discussion is not about the casual drinker in the first place. If it was i never would have responded. Hiflyr did not say "why do people drink casually'?
It's not about being content with reality or not...it's more about being interested in new experiences.
Why? because you're not content with the experiences in your current reality?
i think we need to add alcohol to the list of things you shouldn't discuss. like religion and politics. :)

why do young people drink? because they are constantly told they cant till they are a certain age. nothing will tell a minor "do this" quicker than adults telling them not to.

a lot of alcoholics are self medicating. i've seen a lot of bipolar and schitzophrenic alcoholics.

just my $0.02