What's up with Canada?

Leslie said:

I can't believe she was stupid enough to do that again :retard:

I can't believe that she got away with it the first time in order to be able to do it again. Still not sure what's going to happen to her now...


Camelyn said:
Answer that question, and give me some hard facts, not just a mis-spoken word and some vague inferences, and maybe I'll look at your allegations with something more than complete skepticism :D
Cam said:
And seriously man, if you think that Canadians would ever fall under the spell of politicians spouting rhetoric, you don't know squat about Canadian politics or Canadians.
aaaaaaaaand that's what we all figger our politicians are doing :shrug:

Believe me, they say something, we all believe the exact opposite till they PROVE otherwise lol. Her saying this is actually good PR in a way for your presidential administration. :eh: