Now that is a statement that I think is way off base, and I'll tell you why.
When you go to foreign countries, including Canada, you always hear that term bandied about like it's fact, but the people spewing that rhetoric have to remember one thing...Their existence as free countries was bought, and paid for, by the blood of US soldiers. The peace they take for granted is there because the US was, and is, there to protect them. It's not arrogance to expect some thanks from time to time, but it is arrogant to believe that no thanks are neccesary. It's not arrogance to offer help when it's needed, but it is arrogance to accept that help, and then deny the helpers so much as one iota of respect. The countries that have never accepted US aid and comfort are the only ones who can possibly say that we are arrogant, and those places are very few indeed. Next time you go out into your world, look around and think about how much the US has accomplished in our short time of existence, and ask yourself where your country would be if we didn't exist. Ask yourself where your lifestyle would be, and how much freedom you'd actually have if we didn't exist, and then say who is arrogant. It's not us, PT.