What's wrong with this picture

He applied to the court for a double mastectomy before he turned 18 - the age at which he would not need the court's consent and which he would no longer receive social support services as a minor.

Hurry and cut off the boobs while it's still on the taxpayers' dime!
The 17-year-old, known as Alex in court and referred to as a boy, has a psychological condition that makes him unhappy with his gender.

If SHE wishes long enough & hard enough it'll come true....

get over it babe, you're a chick, sans dick.
it makes you wish you'd had gender-corrective surgery when you were that age, thus preventing a lot of the frustration and hostility that we see manifest in your more authoritarian postings????


Interesting. I post an open ended request for opinions, and instead of supplying one with respect to the article, you choose to make a personal attack against me. Speaks volumes about you, sunshine. Doesn't have much nice to say, tho. Kinda pathetic, really.
it was a joke, mister serious.

what do you expect when you post shit about boob-ectomies of this sort?

lighten up, francis.
you don't understand how making commenting about fluidity of gender in reference a fellow that is famously affixed to traditional ideas of man and woman is a joke?

you actually intended this as a serious thread?

you had no reasonable expectation of topical drift?

so, this is the answer you're looking for...

"The 17-year-old, known as Alex in court and referred to as a boy, has a psychological condition that makes him unhappy with his gender.
The Family Court in Melbourne said the removal of both breasts would help Alex to build a new life as a boy."

. that they are humoring this so-called psychological condition rather than attempting to "fix" it. as if you simply released a pedophile into a schoolyard (rather than a jailyard) to "satisfy" the illness rather effectively deal with the underlying condition.

of course, only those hung up on traditional ideas of man and woman would be thinking of this kid's issue as a "psychological condition." and there's the joke, grumpkin.
a man from Melbourne who had a sex-change operation in his early 20s was now suing his doctors because he regretted the decision.

So sorry. :elaugh3:
It's all in his mind... then again, how do you know that you're the right sex? Gender identity.
It's all in his mind... then again, how do you know that you're the right sex? Gender identity.

sex is biological.
gender is a construct.

and these two can be completely decoupled. though the result is often quite confusing, to everyone.
So let me get this straight. "He" wants to get "his" tits lopped off so "he" can live as a "male"; but "he" has not yet had an addadicktome. So how is "he" any closer to being a "male" simply by having "his" tits lopped off?
A Mastectomy is a whole lot less invasive than the kind of surgical intervention that you're talking about, Jim. It's a step...and not the first considering the s/he has been getting hormonal treatments for the past 4 years. The whole reason the court was involved was because of the kid's age..and not his decision.
So let me get this straight. "He" wants to get "his" tits lopped off so "he" can live as a "male"; but "he" has not yet had an addadicktome. So how is "he" any closer to being a "male" simply by having "his" tits lopped off?

Yea that sounds about right.
So let me get this straight. "He" wants to get "his" tits lopped off so "he" can live as a "male"; but "he" has not yet had an addadicktome. So how is "he" any closer to being a "male" simply by having "his" tits lopped off?

your first mistake is you're trying to figure it out.

i remember a few years ago saying something like...

"so, dude, what you're saying is you're gay, but, that your preference is men that used to be women... and so... that was the hard part to explain to your parents? and you don't like anal sex oral sex with men, and you really like vaginal intercourse? why don't you just date frumpy women?"