What's your favorite curse word?

1 Shite/Shit
2 "For fucks sake"
3 "Fucking hell"

Those get the most use. Especially 2 when dealing with :retard3: 's at work.
i'm a big fan of assmonkey and dipfuck

of course there's always cockgobblers from office space and fuckass from boondock saints
Hmm. Fav insult is Cum Guzzling Gutter Slut, but overall favorite cuss word would have to be fuck.
we are straying into the area of insults rather than just curse words.. but its still cool...
I use POS a lot, can be combined with tommys "Worthless" for even more emphasis ;)
I try to save words like, pussy an' fuck for the bedroom............

........however, I find myself sayin' such 'love-words' as, "you bastard" an' "dayyyam" when my computer does somethin' undesired, or not understood.?(
Screaming *FUDGE*

If people don't hear you correctly, they give you the most shocked looks. *giggles*