What's your Favorite Team???


New Member
:swing: WoooooHooooo!!!!!! GO PACKERS!!!! :D

Ahman Green ran up, down and all over the defending NFC champion Carolina Panthers.

Green ran for two touchdowns and caught a third Monday night to lead the Green Bay Packers to a 24-14 victory over the Panthers, who became the sixth straight team to lose in the Super Bowl and their ensuing season opener.

Unable to stop the run or run the ball - the two main principles that carried them all last season - the Panthers were out of sync from start to finish.
I like to follow players instead of teams as teams are generally... fickle and haphazard and lead to all manner of disappointment.
Kinda like the Chiefs. The looked pretty decent in preseason, looked pretty decent in the 3rd quarter Sunday evening, the rest of the game I don't quite know what the fuck happened. :confused:
PATRIOTS!!!! How can you not root for a team that has won the Super Bowl, and still managed to get better???

and don't get any ideas, i've been a Pats fan my whole life
woodman19_99 said:
PATRIOTS!!!! How can you not root for a team that has won the Super Bowl, and still managed to get better???

and don't get any ideas, i've been a Pats fan my whole life

Oh heck, I forgot. The Jets and whoever the Patriots are playing. :D
chcr said:
Oh heck, I forgot. The Jets and whoever the Patriots are playing. :D

Ya'know, you've got a good sense of humor for a Jets fan, what with all the losing season you've endured. They don't stand a chance. I bet even Buffalo beats them twice this year
paul_valaru said:
I like those guys the ones in the uniforms, with the helmets.....

no not the village people

Teh buccaneers
the buccs? well...they do have nice uniform pants...but warren sapp is now a raider (YAY!!) so i'm not sure why i still root for them...

i am a huge texans fan, and a huge saints fan, and the raiders...so i saw spend my football season saying things like "damn" and "fuck" and "god damn it, you panty waste! my grandma coulda caught that ball!"

on the other side of the coin is college ball. LSU baby!
tonksy said:
the buccs? well...they do have nice uniform pants...but warren sapp is now a raider (YAY!!) so i'm not sure why i still root for them...

i am a huge texans fan, and a huge saints fan, and the raiders...so i saw spend my football season saying things like "damn" and "fuck" and "god damn it, you panty waste! my grandma coulda caught that ball!"

on the other side of the coin is college ball. LSU baby!
I like LSU too, but probably an entirely different one than you....
Texas Rangers in baseball. In football, Raiders (inherited from my mom), Cowboys (inherited from my dad) and Texans (because I went to school with David Carr and got to interview him for a story for the school paper).

In college sports, no matter the sport, it's Fresno State all the way. And considering the total and complete ass-whipping the Bulldogs administered on Kansas State last Saturday in football (game wasn't even as close as the final score of 45-21), methinks it's a good year to follow the 'Dogs.
Hockey - Canadiens :D *Not that they're likely to play this year with the bloody lockout.
Soccer- Impact (They're working their way into a decent team)
Football -
CFL ---> The Alouettes (still winning)
AFL ---> The Buccs
Basketball - Toronto Raptors
Baseball - I couldn't care less anymore. The Expos are just about to dissapear :(
Mare said:
:swing: WoooooHooooo!!!!!! GO PACKERS!!!! :D

Ahman Green ran up, down and all over the defending NFC champion Carolina Panthers.

Green ran for two touchdowns and caught a third Monday night to lead the Green Bay Packers to a 24-14 victory over the Panthers, who became the sixth straight team to lose in the Super Bowl and their ensuing season opener.

Unable to stop the run or run the ball - the two main principles that carried them all last season - the Panthers were out of sync from start to finish.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :lol: :lol2:

So WTF happened today? The Bears beat them 21-10, in Lambeau! :p 3 turnovers, including a fumble ran back 95 yards for a TD by Mike Brown (from the 13-3 season fame for his back to back OT interceptions returned for TDs :cool: ) I have to enjoy this, I thought the Bears would've gotten killed (like usual), but I'm glad I was wrong! My brother's been dead silent since we got home (he's a traitor Packer fan), it's total heaven! I've been in bowling meetings downstate all day, so I couldn't see any games at all today, but I heard the radio afterwards expecting to listen to a radio postgame that's usually hilarious in ripping the Bears after a loss (almost a weekly tradition lately :eek: ), and instead they were ecstatic! :D Woohoohoohoohoohoo!

Oh yeah, my close second favorite team is the Cubs. Coming down to the wire with them, but they're in the driver's seat despite being down 1/2 game in the WC race, if they win out no one can catch them cause they really lead by 2 in the loss column.