What's your idea of an alien?


Staff member
In other words, what would you first expect something not of this world to look like?

First thing that comes to my mind when I think alien is a three-legged (tripod) three-armed, six-eyed creature that can change colors and cloak.
I think of a typical alien dude.

Shiny white,
long thin arms , legs , neck etc.
huge black almond eyes.

Very peaceful.

No need for cloaks, or colour changes.

Anyone says cone-heads and I'll scream.
3 - 4 feet tall
Grey skin
Big black almond eyes

Totaly violent - in a control freak sort of way.

Elimination of these creatures should be top priority, indications
are that if we can get around their mind control devices, they
are quite frail and would not fare well in hand to hand combat,
or against a belt-fed M60 GPMG!!!

:alienwnk: :utmgun: